
on 12/3/08 4:35 am
Anybody here use this more than 6-8 weeks?

What were the results and were you happy with it?

Was it hard to keep off?
on 12/3/08 11:40 am
Hey Arrun!  So sorry to hear that your girlfriend got voted off of Biggest Loser.  But if she was dumb enough to trust Vicious Vicky, then she wasn't good enough for you anyways!

I did Medifast way back in the day and lost a lot of weight.  The problem was, I learned nothing about nutrition and reality based eating and I gained it all back and more.  So if you have a plan to go to immediately upon coming off of it, you shouldn't gain that much weight back once you are back on real food. 

I'm not so sure that I would stay on it for more than eight weeks though.  There's something that just ain't natural 'bout that, yanno?  Just sayin'.

on 12/4/08 3:35 am

I have been using Medifast since June 22, 2008 and have lost 132.7 pounds so far as of Sunday November 30, 2008. The results are better than I could have ever imagined. In June I was on 4 diabetes medications (diabetic for 10+ years) and one blood pressure medication. Now I have perfect blood sugar control and blood pressure control with no medicine at all. I still have 75 more pounds to my original goal, but am thinking of losing another 20 pounds after reaching my initial goal. I am doing an exercise program and jogging 2 miles every other day as I am working my way to a 5K. The thing I love the most about Medifast is that it is very convenient. It also has taught me to make my meal a priority. Since you eat 6 times a day, I set an alarm on my cell phone and make my meals a priority. Additionally, I am studying the transition and maintenance plans and feel like I have learned a great deal about how to approach keeping the weight off once I reach my goals. The support of people on the site for each other is outstanding, it is a great community. My doctor is amazed at my results and keeps a close check on all of my various chemical and blood test levels. I have to laugh because every time I go to the doctor the whole staff is waiting to see how I have done. Personally, I tell folks about Medifast everywhere I go. It may not be for everyone, but I sure cannot argue with me own person results. My profile on is Carolinabill, if you stop by send me a note.

Cool Runnings - Bill


Zee Starrlite
on 12/5/08 4:37 am
Good Luck long term with that!


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 12/4/08 5:11 am

I was on it and lost a hundred pounds.  Although I loved it at the time, afterward I started getting health problems.  Now I'm having a hard time losing without wanting just "the shake".  I don't think it would be too bad IF you had at LEAST one meal in your day.  I was on a pure liquid diet for I can't remember how long..six months to a year, I can't remember how long I was on it.  You need to have that one meal a day at least so you don't go hog wild when you get to maintenance. So you can start learning some kind of boundaries.  Know what I mean?

good luck with your decision!

on 12/4/08 5:38 am, edited 12/4/08 5:40 am
On December 4, 2008 at 1:11 PM Pacific Time, HollyRachel wrote:

 Not sure about how the program was then, but now you do have one meal a day called "lean & green." You can have 5 to 7 ounces of lean meat (depending on the fat content) or suitable vegetarian protein selection, and 3 servings of lower carb veggies. They also have bars, soups, oatmeals, puddings, as well as the shakes. Personally, I eat all of the products for variety. They also do not recommend only eating the Medifast products as it does not give you enough calories. By the way I have no connection to Medifast, other than someone who it has really helped. 

Cool Runnings - Bill
on 12/4/08 5:34 am

Hi everyone!  I've been emailing with a wonderful woman that works within the company for years now....She is not just a salesperson but a true friend in the sense that she wants you to be healthy no matter what you chose to be your 'tool' to lose......what ever program or surgery that may work for you......I have also been seriously considering WLS too....I would like to know if you had sagging skin with that quickly a weight loss as most do with WLS!!!!!!    Thank you...Paula

PS I did try it a couple years ago before I started with Jenny Craig....I had to send the stuff back only because I would rather eat my calories in food...and long term I know I'd gain all the weight back...but maybe if you used the products say half the week...or 2-3 days a week....and eat heatlhy the rest of the week....I too, am trying to work out something. 

on 12/4/08 5:43 am, edited 12/4/08 5:44 am
On December 4, 2008 at 1:34 PM Pacific Time, thorsgoddess wrote:

 Hello Paula,

 Since I have lost as much or more than the average WLS patient in 5 months, I do have problems with saggy skin. Not sure what I want to do it in the end, but its a nice problem to have for now. BTW I did consider WLS, but it was excluded by my insurance. I was down in the dumps about it then, but pretty happy to be where I am now without it.

Cool Runnings - Bill
on 12/4/08 5:52 am

Thanks Bill....well I am in the process of WLS...the intial doctor I had wanted and had gone to seminars...ended up switching to an Out of Network plan...and I cant afford it otherwise....but am covered with my insurance...only thing is finding a surgeon I like again...but the thing that keeps haunting me is the sagging skin...I know its silly....but in the seminars I went many of them had the bad sagging skin...and it looked horrible...and I wouldn't be able to ever afford any plastic surgery...and to go through all of that...only to stare at that skin...I dont know if I could deal with it......just being perhaps losing it slowly...letting your body adapt is better....just stressed out over this....but I am happy it worked for you!

on 12/4/08 7:12 am, edited 12/4/08 7:55 am

I also had the extreme saggy skin.  One thing I have learned on this board and through out the years is that if your going to get the saggy skin, your going to get it regardless of how you lose it.  Sure not losing it so fast like on Medifast you MIGHT have a little advantage, but for the most part I don't think it will be that much more drastic of a difference.  I'm no expert, but this is what I've heard.

Now that I've gained my hundred pounds back I would be happy and proud to have my baggy hanging skin back.  Just think of your health that you've improved on, just not the looks.  I'm not trying to put you down in the least, I'm just trying to get you to sees aggy skin is going to happen regardless if your body wants it to happen, whether it be fast or not.  Might just be on a different level.  BUT, I would rather take flabby skin over being not healthy any day.  I will agree it isn't a pretty though, and remember hiding it quite often.  But when it comes to ones health, I don't think there is a day that goes by that I would take my 300 pound body over the thought of being healthy with sagging skin.  

Bill..I was on Medifast I think about six years ago??  When I was on it the main diet consisted just on shakes, soups, bars, etc., but not a lean and green at that time.  I also did it without doctor supervision, and went extremely low cal.  Since then I have talked to my doctor and he has told me I'm lucky to be alive.  A lot of people who did it the way I did it does not live to tell.  My heart, and my body took a serious toll on the diet plan.  And I literally feel like it aged me drastically.  I'm not saying it's not a good plan, I'm just telling you I did it  dangerously.  Getting off of it for maintenance was literally a *****  I couldn't eat anything without gaining.  That is why I recommend a lean and green.  Even though now they advertise it as the way to do it, some people still ONLY drink their shakes through out the day and that's it. So I feel obligated to state on how dangerous "I" feel this is.  My body literally hurt, I had palpitations constantly afterwards, and I was just not in good shape although I lost the weight.  So this diet can be dangrous if you do not do it correctly.   I'm glad it has worked for you and I wish you the best while on maintenance..the diet will just begin there.   Good luck!

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