Hello everyone. My doctor and I have been talking about me getting gastric bypass but he wants to try me on phentermine. Has anyone here ever been on it and did it work for them. My doctor said that by putting me on it and documenting the diet, it could be used as part of my dietary plan for the GBP.
VSG on 06/04/15
I've had some friends that have had some sucess with phentermine, but I havn't tried it myself. Not for lack of trying. My doctor wouldn't prescribe it. She doesn't believe in diet pills, and suggested WLS since I had so much to lose. Kinda funny, huh? :-) I would say trust your doctor and try them. The worst that could happen is that you don't lose any weight. The best is that it works great and you discover you won't need surgery after all. Either way, seems win-win.
Good luck!
-Heather S.
Good luck!
-Heather S.
VSG on 06/04/15
Yeah, it didn't make much since to me either. The only thing I can figure is because I have high blood pressure, she thought the meds would only raise my bp. I don't know. I've already decided to talk to her about it again next time I'm in, since it doesn't look like i'll be getting wls anytime soon.
Well I made it through day two. I havn't seemed AS hungry as day one, but i've got that irritable feeling that i've always associated with low blood sugar. I would eat something (usually high carb) and the feeling would go away. I'm not diabetic, had that test not too long ago. So thats not it. Could it be carb withdrawl??? Whatever it is, I havn't been a pleasent person to be around today! I'm hoping tomorrow will be better!
-Heather S.
Well I made it through day two. I havn't seemed AS hungry as day one, but i've got that irritable feeling that i've always associated with low blood sugar. I would eat something (usually high carb) and the feeling would go away. I'm not diabetic, had that test not too long ago. So thats not it. Could it be carb withdrawl??? Whatever it is, I havn't been a pleasent person to be around today! I'm hoping tomorrow will be better!
-Heather S.
Well, if you aren't diabetic, then it's carb withdrawals for sure. That's when I pull out the pure protein...boiled eggs are the perfect protein. And water helps with that a lot, too. I seem to have a li'l problem with that, although I am getting a LOT better. So it's only taken me EIGHT years!
Tomorrow may not be way better, but I promise day four will be MUCH better.
Tomorrow may not be way better, but I promise day four will be MUCH better.
I am currently on it..the last time i have weighed i have lost 25 lbs..I havent weighed in probably a month or your doctor has told you can only be on it for 3 months..cause it is a addictive will raise your blood pressure you cant have high blood pressure and then be on this pill..but it does help curve your appetite..does give you lots of energy..Christa also takes it..cosmo*****is the name on here..
I was on the pill once before..and i lost weight with it..but i was starting to get these weird feelings..dizzy..sick to my stomach..just wasnt feeling i stopped taking it..well i gained all that weight some..but i had a job where i sat the whole day.
Now that i am on them..i dont take them everyday..i may take them for 3 or 4 days..and then i may not take them for another 3 or 4 have to change your way of eating with these otherwise when u do get off of could be back at step one..and you have to get exercise of course..i wish you luck and i hope that if you decide to take them that it does much are you needing to lose?
I was on the pill once before..and i lost weight with it..but i was starting to get these weird feelings..dizzy..sick to my stomach..just wasnt feeling i stopped taking it..well i gained all that weight some..but i had a job where i sat the whole day.
Now that i am on them..i dont take them everyday..i may take them for 3 or 4 days..and then i may not take them for another 3 or 4 have to change your way of eating with these otherwise when u do get off of could be back at step one..and you have to get exercise of course..i wish you luck and i hope that if you decide to take them that it does much are you needing to lose?
VSG on 03/13/12
Hell there! My name is Christa. I have been taking Phentermine since the end of December. I believe it is a miracle pill lol. I have lost 72 pounds so far. :) You may be able to take it and not even have surgery. As long as you exercise and diet and what not the pill does great. It takes cravings away and everything. So I mean I recommend it ofcourse because it works for me. But good luck on whatever you decide!!! :)