What did you eat today? 11/06
on 11/6/08 6:07 am - Rochester, NY
S: strawberry Atkins shake
L: 1 HB egg and 3oz tuna mixed with 1 Tbsp mayo on celery stalks
S: 2oz. cheese
1/2 cup cottage cheese with cocoa, splenda, almond extract
D: 6oz chicken breast
broccoli slaw with O&V
steamed broccoli with grated parmesan (on a broccoli kick)
S: hot cocoa...(chocolate Atkins shake) with Reddi Whip
90oz water
on 11/7/08 3:46 am - Rochester, NY
The dark chocolate royale one is great heated with a splash of run or almond extract and then a dollop of Reddi Whip....positively sinful.
B: protein shake and two pieces turkey bacon....230 cal
L: hamburger and parfait from mcdonalds....410 cal
D: probably around 3 oz steak, three small meatballs, few pieces bourbon chicken, salad, and two buns. :( we went out to eat. i actually did fairly well considering it was a buffet with lots of desserts. so i'm okay with it. i tried to stick to veggies and protien until the damn buns came to our table. i'm not sure how many calories.
Today I had my usual breakfast IsaLean shake
Lunch was veggies and chicken from a wonderful little teriyaki place (this was non-teriyaki)
Dinner was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good....
Turbo baked chicken, then simmered in Trader Joe's Marsala sauce, spooned over spinach fettuccini (a little) with peas tossed in coconut oil and sea salt on the side. YUM STINKIN UM.
Tomorrow it's back to the cleansing routine of two shakes!!!
Funny you mentioned that because as my husband and kids got a plate of dessert goodies, I grabbed me a bun and told him that was my dessert.ha I was pleased.hehe I'm the same way, I buy whole wheat for the kids, but I rarely touch it. Its just something that I'm able to stay away from so I take advantage of it since I lose on so many other things..like buns! :)
Oh as for hubbys diet..he had SIX rice krispie treats tonight after three plates of food, compared to my one. He's not going to be able to stick to this, it's just not his time yet.
I do have to say I forgot to mention one thing about today. Here my husband did this after I kept mentioning he was suppose to be eating right. Then I took my mom to the grocery store this morning. She headed for the donuts. I told her immediately, they are NOT going in my house. She always buys a dozen and takes one and sends the rest to my house. I told her we started calorrie counting on Monday and so far I've lost two pounds so no...it wasn't going in my house ! She got mad at me and told me there was other people in my house besides me! Like if any of us need it!! Out of six of us, five of us are over weight!! I'm so sick of her and my husband sabataging my weight loss. I'm trying to ignore it the best I can. I'm really trying to stay strong, but this just isn't right. It's my house for god sake!! It made me so mad, she always does this. And then I'm the guilty one for uspetting her. ARGGHH!
Ohhh, and then on the way home from eating ALL that food my husband hsd the nerve to say that this weekend he wanted this and this and this..it was a list of chips, etc. I was like where the hell is this coming from?? We just ate! I swear my family is getting VERY bad. On the other hand, I'm really looking at it hard to where I'm really feeling ambitious to get myself at least healthy. It's just making me sick.
on 11/6/08 8:34 pm - Rochester, NY
You sound really motivated to get yourself healthy and believe me....as the rest of your family sees you melting away and the pounds dropping off and your confidence increasing....that will be the best motivation for all of them too!

And if that doesn't work...just get on your horse and ride on over and move in with your Big Sis in NY!!!

I salute you! I was just talking with my sister about people who say they "love" other people (a husband, mom, child) and they still choose to feed them what is poison to them! White sugar and flour- argh!
Have you heard of the book 'Death by Diet'? There are other books out there like that. A sugary body is so accepting to disease and illness.
It's not easy to combat the negative, but it sounds like you are determined. You will be thankful that you stuck to your guns.