Abstinence - 188th Day
1 banana
1 cup 7-Grain Cereal
1 cup light soy milk
1 cup coffee
2 cups water
*2 Chicken Lean Cuisines with rice & noodles & very small servings of chicken
2 cups water
1 banana
2 thighs Riviera Chicken
1 cup brown rice with 1 tsp. margarine
1/2 can vegetable soup
1/4 cantaloupe
1-1/2 cups light soy milk
*2 Lean Cuisines is equal to around 440 calories. After this week, I won't buy them anymore, because I consider them "diet food", which means deprivation to me.
Denise Phares/kitties4
Other "diet foods" are low fat cottage cheese, tuna fish in water, salad made at home with low fat dressing, etc.
when you say abstinence, what do you mean? I'm just curious because when you said you wouldn't buy lean cuisine anymore b/c it is diet food - it sounded kind of like some books I read. They were about losing weight by STOPPING dieting. You were supposed to just eat when you were hungry, stop when you were full and not make anything off limits. By taking away the limits, the "forbidden food" loses it's magic and takes it's normal place in a balanced eating style. I don't know if I explained this well but I was just wondering what type of plan you might be doing and also is it helping you with you issues with food? your weight?
Good luck, looks like you're doing great!
Good luck, looks like you're doing great!