Abstinence - 173rd Day
I weighed myself this morning, as I usually do on the first of each month, and I wasn't surprised at the results - I gained two pounds last month. After finding this out, I immediately prayed to God, and realized I have to give up the junk food and the fried fast foods period if I want to lose this weight. Once I do that, and I know it'll take a long time, since I want to lose from 276 to 115 pounds. This morning I made a good start. I sang yesterday and today (choir job) for Rosh Hashanah, and yesterday, they had small pieces of cake, and I ate six pieces, rationalizing that it would be a long time until lunch, so I "needed" it. That's alot of crap! This morning, I had made up my mind ahead of time that I was not going to eat it, and I refused to go into the room where it was served. I felt some "hunger", but I told myself that nobody said it was going to be easy, so I realized it wasn't "real" hunger, but feeling deprived hunger. I ignored it, and it went away, and I later sang at the service.
1 orange
1 cup raisin bran
1+ cups soy milk
3 cups coffee
2 cups water
Small piece roasted chicken
1/3 cup mashed potatoes with gravy (came with the frozen meal)
1/3 cup pear cubes
1/3 cup mixed vegetables
2 cups water
I will eat out with a friend at a restaurant. I will order healthy food. I am determined to stay abstinent, and lose this weight, with the help of God, OA, and my supportive husband and friends.
Denise Phares/kitties4