What Have You Done Today to Make You Feel Proud?
Yeah... I lived with the white for 3 years now. Mostly because our floor plan is very open, so once you start painting, you are committed to ALL the rooms because they are all attached.
I suspect I probably have 3 or 4 more days to go. Not sure yet. Still undecided on the kitchen. I *might* just pull the khaki through it, because I have a lot of deep brown, mustard and burgundy accents in there... the khaki would compliment nicely. Just don't,. It's all dependent on how much khaki paint I have left when I get to the kitchen LOL!
But holy moly am I a SORE unit today. Painting totally kicks the gym's ass!
I suspect I probably have 3 or 4 more days to go. Not sure yet. Still undecided on the kitchen. I *might* just pull the khaki through it, because I have a lot of deep brown, mustard and burgundy accents in there... the khaki would compliment nicely. Just don't,. It's all dependent on how much khaki paint I have left when I get to the kitchen LOL!
But holy moly am I a SORE unit today. Painting totally kicks the gym's ass!
Amen to that! Well... 10 more hours of painting and all that is left is the kitchen!!! WOOHOO!!!!! (the kitchen is going to be a MOTHER though!... cathedral ceilings in there too... with cabinets below them so I can't just plop the scaffold up next to them. I suspect I'll be doing come contortioning in there!.... what a visual... an old fat chick contorting in the air LOL!)