Body Dysmorphia
I'm not a crazy person, but I'm definitely dealing with dysmorophia.
I have been working so diligently te past ten years at least to really really accept what I have here. I do those silly exercises like looking at my naked body and saying thank you. Or when I rub lotion in on my belly especially, I give thanks.
And as an side, the manufacturers ARE making clothes sizes larger than years ago. I consider Junior sizes to be more like the old days. I am not sure whether this info is good/bad/indifferent - as long as we buy smaller than we did before, is that not the point?
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." ~Mark Twain
I was judging those people in OA who had been there a long time and were still quite overweight. I was judging myself the same way. It's none of my business why they are still overweight, but I feel ashamed that I've been in OA seriously working their 12-step program since February 2006, and still haven't lost all my weight.
I'm beginning to realize that recovery is a long, drawn out process, and involves not dieting to lose weight fast (or WLS for that matter), but back to back day by day abstinence, using a healthy food plan and refraining from compulsive overeating and bingeing to handle my emotional ups and downs. This can be incredibly difficult for me at times, easier at others. It's painful sometimes just feel all my feelings, but that's part of being human. I'm supposed to feel my feelings, not cover them up with excess food.
Denise Phares/kitties4
Body dysmorphia can be sooooo confusing! You set these goals to be a certain weight and size and your WHOLE focus in life becomes this mystical goal. You know when you get there you are supposed to be happy with your body and the world will be sweetness and light. At least that was my daydream when I weighed over three hundred pounds!
What 'they' forgot to tell me was that when I started working out, and my muscles were toned and had some weight to them, that I would get to the SIZE before I got to the WEIGHT. And then the biggest betrayal of all for me was that my body looked the same to me at two hundred pounds as it did at three hundred pounds! But my big ol belly could fit into a size sixteen? What? Last time I fit into a size sixteen I weighed 170 pounds. Matter of fact, I have my old sixteen jeans and they fit at 200 pounds. Although that was a great day in my life, it was way too much for my brain to comprehend.
Now that I wear 12/14's I still don't believe that this body can fit into that. Kim sent me a t-shirt that's a skinny people's size x-large. Never in my LIFE! That was only in the fat people's clothes. I looked at it and way. It fits perfectly and is not tight at all.
So now I am trying to talk the fat chick inside of my brain into accepting the new normal. She needs to shut the hell up and let me start enjoying the fruits of my LABOR.
Girl, as hard as you work out, by the time you get to 200 pounds, you'll be in a size zero! So even though we don't get the math, we need to learn to stop questioning it and just enjoy the ride. As hard as you are working it, you had to know that if you kept walking, you would get there eventually. Now your mind's eye just has to catch up with the rest of your journey.
I had another moment today. I had come from the gym (training, abs, and 5k training, plus regular cardio) to pick up my mom and take her out on errands and dinner.
Walking the hallway in front of the mirror, I saw this very long looking lean torso. How could I change yet again in just days????
Think of it this way. When you wear a size 28, you have to lose thirty pounds or more before you move to a size 26. But if you wear a size six, you only have to lose ten pounds or less to get to a size four. Suffice it to say this, you are going to have to get used to any new "shrinkage" being waaaaay more dramatic than it has been in the past.
See what I'm sayin'?
me, people tell me i am so pretty and this and that, but i think i am the ugliest thing a live...constatnyl picking at myself when people tell me that i am lucky.
now that is hell.