Does anyone else stay dehydrated?
Dehydration steals water from your brain, and your heart, and is exceptionally dangerous.
I drink 5 20-ounce bottles of water daily. If you're getting enough water (not gatoraid) daily, and are still dehydrated, you've got a medical issue going on.
I have a certified health coach who mentors me, and can pass his contact info on to you if you'd like a little advice. You'd have to write to him, as he's a certified health coach and can respond, but not invade your life with his advice.
Wow, that's a worry. Oh... surgery. What kind of surgery?
I drink 5 20-ounce bottles of water daily. If you're getting enough water (not gatoraid) daily, and are still dehydrated, you've got a medical issue going on.
I have a certified health coach who mentors me, and can pass his contact info on to you if you'd like a little advice. You'd have to write to him, as he's a certified health coach and can respond, but not invade your life with his advice.
Wow, that's a worry. Oh... surgery. What kind of surgery?