ANOTHER interesting article
I found this interesting article. Hope this helps someone along the way. Bren
7 Secrets to Weight Loss and Fitness Success
Every day you hear about some new diet program or weight loss system that
promises to shed those excess pounds yet most people, maybe you also,
continue to struggle... why is that?
Well here are 7 things that I have found that are ESSENTIAL if you want to
create lasting change:
1. Passion - This is wear it all starts. Set your goals from your heart.
Forget about what the statistics say and any of your past failures. What does
your dream body look like? How bad do you want it? Why do you want it so
bad? How is your life going to change once you achieve it? Think of how
much passion will come into your life once you are lean and sexy.
2. Growth - Achieving your goal does not have to happen over night.
Small changes add up very quickly. A great strategy is to simply be better
today then you were yesterday and better tomorrow than you are today. After
6 months you will be blown away with the improvements that you've made.
18 months from now you could be a fitness model. It's true!
3. Comfort Zone - In order to experience this daily growth there are times
when you will have to step outside of your comfort zone.
You will have to increase the intensity of your workouts, prepare food in
advance, write down your goals, spend some time visualizing, pass on the
dessert, and other things that have not become a habit for you just yet.
Accept discomfort and expect it. It's an opportunity for you to become better
than you are today.
4. Gratitude - It's easy to be grateful when things are going well, but I find
the practice of being grateful for who you are today and for the so called
failures and challenges of your past is much more powerful.
Each challenge or failure provides you with the opportunity to grow and
improve yourself. If you want to be happy in your body start today! Love
yourself unconditionally. Be grateful for all your past experiences because
they have contributed to the lean and sexy person that you are about to
5. Become - This could very well be the most powerful word in your
vocabulary when you use it properly. For example; "I have become
UNSTOPPABLE!" "I have become Mary, the lean and sexy woman who
loves healthy foods and living the active lifestyle."
When you 'become' something or someone it is no longer a hope or dream.
It's a part of who you are. You now hold these beliefs and attitudes that
nothing will get in your way.
I knew that I became 'Unstoppable' when the alarm clock would go off at
5:00am so I could go for my morning walk, and it was no longer about fat
loss. I was doing it because I loved it.
It provided me with an opportunity to clear my head, plan out my day,
enjoy the sounds of the birds chirping, listen to an educational audio on
my Mp3 player, and more than anything it energized me first thing in the
morning when I would typically be tired.
6. Fun - Research shows that the people who choose activities that they
enjoy are more likely to stick to their programs for the long term. You may
read a book that lays out the best fat burning workout routine and nutrition
program, but if you don't enjoy it chances are you will not stick with it.
There are so many different workout programs on the market. Experiment
with them and find the ones that fit best with your lifestyle and the ones that
you enjoy the most. Don't just stick with one. You need variety and variety
will keep the enjoyment of activity at a high level.
7. Role Model - You need new references, which demonstrate that achieving
your dream body will happen. Seek out that 5% of the population and model
their behaviors and actions. If someone tells you that your fat loss goals are
unrealistic just show them a picture of your role models.
Will you join me in making sure that this recent statistic showing "By 2015,
75% of Adults Will Be Overweight; 41% Will Be Obese" never becomes a
reality? After all, you deserve to be living in your dream body.
7 Secrets to Weight Loss and Fitness Success
Every day you hear about some new diet program or weight loss system that
promises to shed those excess pounds yet most people, maybe you also,
continue to struggle... why is that?
Well here are 7 things that I have found that are ESSENTIAL if you want to
create lasting change:
1. Passion - This is wear it all starts. Set your goals from your heart.
Forget about what the statistics say and any of your past failures. What does
your dream body look like? How bad do you want it? Why do you want it so
bad? How is your life going to change once you achieve it? Think of how
much passion will come into your life once you are lean and sexy.
2. Growth - Achieving your goal does not have to happen over night.
Small changes add up very quickly. A great strategy is to simply be better
today then you were yesterday and better tomorrow than you are today. After
6 months you will be blown away with the improvements that you've made.
18 months from now you could be a fitness model. It's true!
3. Comfort Zone - In order to experience this daily growth there are times
when you will have to step outside of your comfort zone.
You will have to increase the intensity of your workouts, prepare food in
advance, write down your goals, spend some time visualizing, pass on the
dessert, and other things that have not become a habit for you just yet.
Accept discomfort and expect it. It's an opportunity for you to become better
than you are today.
4. Gratitude - It's easy to be grateful when things are going well, but I find
the practice of being grateful for who you are today and for the so called
failures and challenges of your past is much more powerful.
Each challenge or failure provides you with the opportunity to grow and
improve yourself. If you want to be happy in your body start today! Love
yourself unconditionally. Be grateful for all your past experiences because
they have contributed to the lean and sexy person that you are about to
5. Become - This could very well be the most powerful word in your
vocabulary when you use it properly. For example; "I have become
UNSTOPPABLE!" "I have become Mary, the lean and sexy woman who
loves healthy foods and living the active lifestyle."
When you 'become' something or someone it is no longer a hope or dream.
It's a part of who you are. You now hold these beliefs and attitudes that
nothing will get in your way.
I knew that I became 'Unstoppable' when the alarm clock would go off at
5:00am so I could go for my morning walk, and it was no longer about fat
loss. I was doing it because I loved it.
It provided me with an opportunity to clear my head, plan out my day,
enjoy the sounds of the birds chirping, listen to an educational audio on
my Mp3 player, and more than anything it energized me first thing in the
morning when I would typically be tired.
6. Fun - Research shows that the people who choose activities that they
enjoy are more likely to stick to their programs for the long term. You may
read a book that lays out the best fat burning workout routine and nutrition
program, but if you don't enjoy it chances are you will not stick with it.
There are so many different workout programs on the market. Experiment
with them and find the ones that fit best with your lifestyle and the ones that
you enjoy the most. Don't just stick with one. You need variety and variety
will keep the enjoyment of activity at a high level.
7. Role Model - You need new references, which demonstrate that achieving
your dream body will happen. Seek out that 5% of the population and model
their behaviors and actions. If someone tells you that your fat loss goals are
unrealistic just show them a picture of your role models.
Will you join me in making sure that this recent statistic showing "By 2015,
75% of Adults Will Be Overweight; 41% Will Be Obese" never becomes a
reality? After all, you deserve to be living in your dream body.
Hey ya little CoonA$$ Cutie, thanks for the article, I absolutely love this. It reinforces everything that's in my head. My favorite part is stepping out of your comfort zone. I think that has to be the number one reason most people fail at dieting. It reminds me so much of my sister. She claims she doesn't have time to fix special meals for her, she doesn't have time to workout, and she can't give up sweets...even though they are literally killing her. I wish that there was a way to kick people right outta there "Comfort Zone"!!!
Hi Bren! I love that article too. Every aspect about it is pulled together thoughts and ideas i have come to believe, too!
The small changes cannot be emphasized enough! Each time the smallest thing is avoided (slugging around, feeling blue or eating what everyone else is like there's no tomorrow) - or undertaken (exercise or preparation of best case foods), makes a difference in the long term.
Every little thing we do is MAGIC!!!!!!
The small changes cannot be emphasized enough! Each time the smallest thing is avoided (slugging around, feeling blue or eating what everyone else is like there's no tomorrow) - or undertaken (exercise or preparation of best case foods), makes a difference in the long term.
Every little thing we do is MAGIC!!!!!!