OT: Anti depressant drugs
Alright, I know one of you mentioned an anti depressant drug once that actually helped losing weight also. Who was it and what was it?lol
I've been seriously thinking about going back to the docs and getting back on some. It's been a few years now and I can function just fine without them, but I think it does help me in certain ways. Plus I've been getting bouts of bad visions along with my anxiety/depression so I think it might be time.
I don't want to get back on lexapro, I took it for a few years without telling the doc about my side effects, but I don't like em. I have very bad visions even watching something a little scary on tv. Or just bad visions in my head, it makes me very tense and actually makes my head hurt. Very strange and unpleasant feeling. Think this is one reason why I haven't went back to the doc yet. I got pretty bad visions. Then also there is weight gain. Lord knows I don't want any more weight on me!!! So whomever it was that mentioned this pleasssse speak up. I want to do a little research on it before I go to the doctors to see if it might be something for me.
if you are looking for an antidepressant/antiaxiolytic, i would highly suggest consulting with a psychiatrist (not just a GP) because they will have the most knowledge and access to the newest and greatest variety of drugs. and free samples. lots of people seem to have bad reactions to lexapro, so i wouldn't go back on it if you had negative side effects. plus there are SO MANY other choices, not necessary to put up with something that makes you feel crappy.
I think the makers of the drugs claim they all help you to lose weight. Afterall, if you are depressed you might be eating more and if the drugs work then you should be eating less.
Enjoy LIFE! we only have one (won!)
Thanks for your input guys. Maybe it was Necee who mentioned it, I remember it was something pretty new. I don't expect a dramatic weight loss from it, but it would help at least not gaining weight from it. I think Lexapro actually made me gain weight, or at least helped attribute to it. That is what I'm afraid of.
Thanks for your input also Andy. Think your right on the contacting a psychiatrist. I've always just seen the regular doctor for this. I have a friend that finally went to a specialist and she is amazed on how differently she acts now, and she has been on anti depressants for years! Come to think about it, in her last email she said she has lost a little bit of weight also. Really makes you wonder why more people don't go see psychiatrists. I just hate getting off the stuff. It took me so long getting off Lexapro. I hate taking drugs. But I guess we got to do what we got to do. It beats being miserable and tense 24/7 and having panic attacks.
287/129 bmi 20.2 height 5'7"
Loss is good Maintanance is GREAT
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