Can long term sbeach diet be bad??
Hello, I did ok on the South Beach plan and liked phase 1. Even though it was very strict, I did not have any cravings for the "white devil" (bread, rice, potato's....ect) But, I feel like I am doing something bad to my system buy eating so much protien, is that possible? Could I be doing some perm. damage?? Thanks
Enjoy LIFE! we only have one (won!)
How much is "so much"?
There's a fallacy out there that low carb=high protein. Not always.
And if you're active and working out with weights, you can safely eat to 1.5g per lb of LBM or desired weight.
Also, there's a fallacy out there that high protein=gallbladder and kidney stones. Nope. BUNK.
South Beach is low fat/low carb (not something I personally agree with), but if you're eating under 2000 calories, I believe you are fine.
Well, I would encourage you to eat more veggies so as to get in the nutrients you need. There are so many tasty ways to do this. You just need good recipes. Google low carb menus and recipes and you'll find a ton. Start getting creative, you'll find you enjoy veggies more.
Eating just proteins will get you and keep you in ketosis, so I bet you're losing fast, but you are missing out on the benefits of other foods. And I guess I wouldn't call it SB if you're not eating 100% to program. The program is designed to include other foods like veggies and moderate fats, isn't it?
However, I will take a stab that this has been GREAT for your cholesterol as you've lowered your bodyfat and reduced carbs.
But to the original question about how much protein, I would simply log in a typical days intake and evaluate how many grams of protein you average and then compare to the numbers I've shared. There are some who believe that 1.5g is too much, but there's no research to support that, just theory.
And gallstones and kidney stones as being due to high protein or in your case solo protein is again, not true.
Ketosis--Where your body uses your stored body fat for metabolic fuel.
You aren't doing SB truly.
You're not doing Atkins either, though you are probably more closely aligned with that.
You're just eating all protein. That's almost like a fat fast and similar to what the poster Future Legend does.
You're keeping your blood sugar low, which is good and you're using fat and protein for fuel, which is good.
But, I still think you need a smack on the head for a) not following a plan (fail to plan=a plan to fail, no road map, no direction) and b) missing critical nutritrients from veggies....
Vegetables provide things that protein foods do not. Among these are the known and identified vitamins and minerals, fiber to help the intestinal motion necessary for the proper digestion of protein foods, and bulk to help keep hunger under control.
Also, there's a fallacy out there that high protein=gallbladder and kidney stones. Nope. BUNK.
PS: I would not completely support this statement. I have three friends - male - who have great kidney stone issues and have found that their high protein (meats, mainly) diets HAVE contributed. One kidney stone attack would change your world view on that. I hear it's like 10 baby deliveries.
There is in fact, quite a bit of scientific support that high protein and ketosis does in fact hurt some people. Just don't think it cannot happen.
If you get regular check ups and blood work, you will have plenty of notice of possible issues!
I agree... my trainer (who is only 21) went through this with hi protein. He said he couldn't even describe the pain that this kidney stone caused him... he didn't even have a clue what it could be.. (especially with the fact he just won a competition).. great shape... but he hit those proteins awfully hard one last time to cut up.
I would say no, because of the human condition that to stray is inevitable. I bet overall, you will eat more fat than you think you are on some days. You will also eat more grains at some point.
The only way to cause permanent damage is if you are not fully developed - hopefully you are over age 17. Essential fats are important in brain development.
Other ways to cause permanent damage in diet: vitamin overloading - megadosing can cause liver damage.
If you are over consuming protein (or fat or carbohydrate), it converts to stored fat at a point.