Anyone every try Crack the fat loss code by wendy chant?
I bought the book and I'm prepared to start, but I find it quite complicated. It seems a bit boring if you just have the few meals that she shows as examples. Do any of you know of a place where there are more examples? I went to her site, but it seems to want you to pay for more information. I have the book already.
I've lost 55 pounds in a year and I'm pleased with that, but I keep having long plateaus and hope that this is what I need to start losing a moderate 1 - 2 pounds a week.
Hi, Michelle. I see your post is quite old, and I was wondering how you did on Wendy Chant's diet. My sister and I (dad too) went on her regimen in July of 2009. We found it fun (doing it together), energizing, and I even caught myself responding to my sister's comment when she said "it's time for our lunch".....I said "we have to eat, again?" My sister and I both lost the 16 pounds in the first two weeks as she said we would, although my sister took longer to make her first good drop in pounds. Dad just enjoyed our company, since we were spending that summer month with him. I'm a senior citizen now, and believe that support in almost anything you do with uncertainty, is necessary. Wendy's first two weeks were quite healthy eating for me, and there was not one day that I had all six of the scheduled meals.
Wow... was this a blast from the past! In all honesty, I did not do very well on the crack the fat loss code, and I have been on quite a journey since then! I actually have lost a great deal of weight (120 lb's) and I am now working on getting my certification as a holistic health coach! You are so right about the support thing! Let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help with!
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach