Anyone every try Crack the fat loss code by wendy chant?

on 7/24/08 3:47 am
Hi everyone, I am in week three day 4 and am doing good. I still get nervous about eating carbs but I can learn to get use to it if the weight comes off. I have lost 8 pounds so far and am not peaking at the scale again until Monday but am pretty happy with the results so far.
on 7/24/08 10:33 am
Hey Deb, Its so awsome that you have gotten this far. I can't wait untill I get to week 3 or even mondy next week for that matter. I am o day 4 of week one and it is kicking my butt. I don't think I will be at all nervous about eating carbs again. It sounds like you have restricted carbs in the past? Maybe this has been so hard for me since this is the first time I have ever went carb free . It just feel like my body is screaming at me to eat some stinking bread or a potatos. Any way I will be weighing my self on monday too. How much did you lose the first week ?
on 7/24/08 10:59 am
Hi Mandy, I lost 7 pounds in week one and then gained back a few in week two but then by week three I have lost back down to the original 7 plus one more. A total of eight pounds so far.
When you begin adding carbs back yyou retain some fluid at first but then your body adjusts to the cycling and trusts you will feed it so it doesn't hold the water as much. Carbs contain fluid and that is why they are called carbo HYDRATES because they hydrate the body in the absence of water that is what Wendy says on her DVD. So when you carb deplete, if you are a poor water drinker (like me) your body will retain the water when you first add carbs because it thinks you will carb deplete again, when it realizes you will not deplete totally again, it will release the water. That's my take on it anyway. Plus now I have my butt in gear to drink more water. But hey 8 pounds lost in 2 weeks and 3 days is pretty cool. :)
on 7/24/08 9:19 pm
Whoo hoo, make that 9 pounds in less than 3 weeks as of this morning.
on 7/24/08 9:35 pm
 Great job Deb! So far this morning I am fealing better. I think my body just has alot more carbs to clean out than others. I also think I have been going through sugar withdraws. You know I don't own a scale. I think I should get one. It seems  every one gets so much encouragement from seeing the loss in numbers frequently. We have a scale at work but I only work 3 days a week and one at the gym and I'm never sure If I am using it right. I feel lighter Ha Ha. No seriously I don't feel so bloated. I hope today is the shift for me. It seems every one had that on day 4. It's day 5 for me.
on 7/25/08 12:12 am
Julie---that sounds like a great job!!!  I actually did collab/resource for K/1 my first year teaching, but wasn't certified.  I was able to shift into my current job my second year at the same school.  I feel like my experience that first year was invaluable to my job now and helped me understand the whole process much better.  We actually departmentalized last year (I did Science and L/A) which i loved since i LOVE science.  We may go back to self-contained this year though (we hired a new 4th grade teacher).

Mandy==self-contained means I have my kids all day long for all subjects.  I think it's wonderful that you are helping your daughter so much with Reading, and that she had great teacher support last year.  It's wonderful when you have good teachers, but the ultimate key is YOUR involvement, and it sounds like you are doing a great job with that.  When the child sees the team effort between parent/teacher/student it is always so much better.  Tell her to keep reading this summer, and make sure she is reading from all different kinds of sources (Books, magazines, newspapers, Internet etc.) and that she can tell you what she read after (summarize).  This is a big key to 4th grade Reading -- the focus is going to shift toward "comprehension" of reading, not just reading better.  She will always be doing a lot of writing, and will end up with a portfolio of her writing at the end of the year.  Just make sure she is learning new writing skills this year, not just "types" of writing.  Her "pieces" of writing should flow from good writing instruction that teaches the writer, not just to the piece of writing.  Hope this makes sense and helps.  Tell her 4th grade may seem a lot harder than 3rd, but there is a big jump from primary to intermediate.  She will have a lot more expectations placed on her, and they will be expected to learn a lot more content.  With your support she will do great!!!

Great job on the reports/weight loss ladies.  I'm jumping back into week one again starting Monday!!!

on 7/25/08 12:32 am
Oops, yes Julie, i'm on vacation!!!!  We go back Aug. 20th (first day) with opening day and open house the 18th.  It's just around the corner!  I actually feel like i've had a summer (haven't done any big trips etc.).  I kind of liked not going anywhere this summer, made it more restful.  My teaching partner and I are 4-H camp counselors together (this was our 3rd year), so that was fun again.  Last year my family and I went out west to the grand canyon (awesome!) and drove all over Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado.  The best part was Sedona, Arizona where i got to see "Snoopy rock" !!! Yes, there is actually a BIG rock shaped like Snoopy laying on his dog house!  I'm a HUGE snoopy fan and my classroom is full of Peanuts stuff.  The kids love it too!!!  We do a "Mission Possible" theme (take off the 'im' in front of possible) which is a spin-off of Mission Impossible.  Our students are "Agents" and each day they get a "mission".  i have a CD of agent theme songs that i play to get them going.  In MY room, they are Woodstock secret agents and my front door has Snoopy dressed in a trench, hat, and glasses and a name badge "Head Agent Hensley", and all around him are little woodstocks with sunglasses on and their names "Secret agent _____".  They love it!  It really gets them into learning.

I totally agree with being so tired even though you are eating/grazing on sugary stuff all day.  I felt the same way as you, with the spikes/drops.  I actually at one point was pre-diabetic and I have a condition called "Reactive hypoglycemia".  I believe it's from my bad eating habits all the years i was a nurse/EMT.  My sugar actually drops when i eat carbs.  I think they call it "insulin resistance" now.  I've also had heart problems for 3 years or so, where i have 2 different kinds of arrythmias randomly.  My worst episode actually happened one day during state testing!  It led to a holter monitor, where they were then able to diagnose me.  In the meantime i've been told to take 2 pills when it happens, but that didn't help any.  I went to a new cardiologist in April who said let's fix it with surgery (yikes!!!) and so i went to a third cardiologist.  He actually spent almost an hour just talking to me/asking me questions.  He ended up sending me to a sleep specialist, who did a sleep study=-===low and behold i have sleep apnea!  I've been wearing a CPAP for a little over a month.  I was walking around sleep deprived no telling how many years, and had all kinds of side effects that i wasn't aware were from it (and being treated separately for each, which acutally made them worse!).....He thinks the heart problems are from the sleep apnea (which can be a side effect).  Another problem for people with sleep apnea is sustained weight loss....You overproduce 2 hormones that trigger fat storage when you have sleep apnea, not to mention making unconscious bad decisions as to what to eat, so that you have the energy you need to get through your day.  I can't wait to start off the school year more rested!  I have struggled over the past 4 years of teaching with all these issues, and now i know why!!!  You could say that this summer has been one of renewal for me -- getting treated for the apnea, and loosing weight.  I truly believe that God led me to pick up that First magazine that day....I have been searching for a non-diet "Diet" to help me finally loose the weight and KEEP IT OFF.  I plan on keeping a journal of my journey and sharing it with Wendy when it's all over.  Maybe she'll write me into a book!  :)

Well, didn't mean to dump all this out on all you guys.....Suzanne
on 7/25/08 9:58 pm
On July 25, 2008 at 7:32 AM Pacific Time, snoopylvr wrote:
Oops, yes Julie, i'm on vacation!!!!  We go back Aug. 20th (first day) with opening day and open house the 18th.  It's just around the corner!  I actually feel like i've had a summer (haven't done any big trips etc.).  I kind of liked not going anywhere this summer, made it more restful.  My teaching partner and I are 4-H camp counselors together (this was our 3rd year), so that was fun again.  Last year my family and I went out west to the grand canyon (awesome!) and drove all over Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado.  The best part was Sedona, Arizona where i got to see "Snoopy rock" !!! Yes, there is actually a BIG rock shaped like Snoopy laying on his dog house!  I'm a HUGE snoopy fan and my classroom is full of Peanuts stuff.  The kids love it too!!!  We do a "Mission Possible" theme (take off the 'im' in front of possible) which is a spin-off of Mission Impossible.  Our students are "Agents" and each day they get a "mission".  i have a CD of agent theme songs that i play to get them going.  In MY room, they are Woodstock secret agents and my front door has Snoopy dressed in a trench, hat, and glasses and a name badge "Head Agent Hensley", and all around him are little woodstocks with sunglasses on and their names "Secret agent _____".  They love it!  It really gets them into learning.

I totally agree with being so tired even though you are eating/grazing on sugary stuff all day.  I felt the same way as you, with the spikes/drops.  I actually at one point was pre-diabetic and I have a condition called "Reactive hypoglycemia".  I believe it's from my bad eating habits all the years i was a nurse/EMT.  My sugar actually drops when i eat carbs.  I think they call it "insulin resistance" now.  I've also had heart problems for 3 years or so, where i have 2 different kinds of arrythmias randomly.  My worst episode actually happened one day during state testing!  It led to a holter monitor, where they were then able to diagnose me.  In the meantime i've been told to take 2 pills when it happens, but that didn't help any.  I went to a new cardiologist in April who said let's fix it with surgery (yikes!!!) and so i went to a third cardiologist.  He actually spent almost an hour just talking to me/asking me questions.  He ended up sending me to a sleep specialist, who did a sleep study=-===low and behold i have sleep apnea!  I've been wearing a CPAP for a little over a month.  I was walking around sleep deprived no telling how many years, and had all kinds of side effects that i wasn't aware were from it (and being treated separately for each, which acutally made them worse!).....He thinks the heart problems are from the sleep apnea (which can be a side effect).  Another problem for people with sleep apnea is sustained weight loss....You overproduce 2 hormones that trigger fat storage when you have sleep apnea, not to mention making unconscious bad decisions as to what to eat, so that you have the energy you need to get through your day.  I can't wait to start off the school year more rested!  I have struggled over the past 4 years of teaching with all these issues, and now i know why!!!  You could say that this summer has been one of renewal for me -- getting treated for the apnea, and loosing weight.  I truly believe that God led me to pick up that First magazine that day....I have been searching for a non-diet "Diet" to help me finally loose the weight and KEEP IT OFF.  I plan on keeping a journal of my journey and sharing it with Wendy when it's all over.  Maybe she'll write me into a book!  :)

Well, didn't mean to dump all this out on all you guys.....Suzanne

Wow Suzanne, sleep apnea can sure cause a lot of problems! My father has had sleep apnea for as long as I can remember and he is 100# plus over weight. He would never do anything about it untill one day when he passed out at work. He was taken to the hospital treated for dehydration and the apnea was discovered by the Doc. They told him that apnea had alot to do with his syncope episode along with alot of his other problems. But  I did not know about the hormone thing. If things go well for me on this plan then I plan on tring to get him on board too.

ANYWAY GOOD MORNING TO ALL!     It's Sat. day6 week one for me. I went to the gym last night  and while I was there I weighed myself and I am down 4 lbs could be 5 cause it was 6pm when I weighed in. I just couldn't help myself had to sneak a peak.  I am so glad this week is almost over although next week will present a brand new set of problems for me. I work in a dental office and in case you  all did not know it is a well kept secret that all dental offices are notorius for having endless supplies of sweet treats. Area specilty offices like the endodontist, ped offices and oral surgens will send us gifts in the form of food fine chocolates ect.. for every holiday and many send them at the begining of spring summer winter and fall. They do this in hopes that we will refer patients to them.  Just last month we all got starbuks gift cards. On top of that we celebrate every B-day in the office with a pot luck lunch filled with junk.  So any way I'll have alot of saing no to do.


on 7/25/08 2:45 am
Hi Everybody,

I have told Wendy about this site and how everybody is doing and she is thrilled for you! 

For the 26 carb person, as long as none of the carbs were starch foods, 26 is pushing it but close enough to not have to repeat week one.  Just make sure that you don't do it again in this week. 

For those of you who haven't been able to get the book, Wendy should have them either today or the beginning of next week.  I finally watched the DVD and it is very good.  It follows the classroom program week by week.  It includes the companion guide, recipe book, and log book.  It also includes 2 free food coaching sessions.

For those of you that have sent an email or left a phone message and haven't gotten a response yet, I'm sorry!  We have gotten thousands and I'm trying to help her with them but I'm a little behind. 

on 7/26/08 11:41 am
Thanks Jerri, I am at the end of week three and have lost 11.5 pounds as of today. :)
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