I'm hangin in there this time! :)
I'm staying with the program this time!!! YEAH!
Today is only day 3 but this is better than I've done since I left for vacation on March 1.
It feels *right* this time... I needed that feeling! I'm chugging my water and will try my very hardest to get back on the elliptical tonight. Dh has to work late tonight so there is no reason NOT to get on it!
I feel like I've been a BEAR the past few weeks... just ROARING at anyone that looks cross-eyed at me... or even THINKS about looking cross-eyed at me ;) I'm actually wondering if I'm menopausing now, cause I feel like I'm in perpetual PMS mode!!! My TOM is a week + late and I just feel moody as he#@.
My poor daycare kiddo's must think I've LOST it! I'm growling at them and am MUCH faster to scold than I normally am. Today I felt like they were YELLING and SCREAMING all day! Just in play, but that is nauseating to listen to CONSTANTLY! I actually had to ask my kids: "Is it ME... or are they a PART of my bad mood?" They both said the KIDS have been overboard today. So maybe it's THEM to?
Anyway, just stopping in- feeling so much better now that I'm on day 3 :) I feel like I'm getting ME back again :)
I love kids.. I really do... but there's only so much hootin' and hollerin' one can take in a day... cut yourself a break here! lol
You sound like you're bound and determined to recommit to the program, kiddo.. this is excellent news..
Overall you sound very positive!
Get on it and do the do, woman.... I can see that you already feel good about yourself for your efforts in the last 3 days... imagine how you'll feel after 7.. 14... 21!!
God Bless ya!