Abstinence - 65th Day
1/2 grapefruit
1 cup Life Cereal
1 cup vanilla soy milk
2 cups coffee
16 oz. water
Mid-morning "snack" (cheating at my client's house)
2 slices white bread, while cooking my client's breakfast
1 can lentil vegetable soup
Healthy greens, with chickpeas, mushroom slices, raisins, cashews, baby carrots, and Honey Dijon dressing
2 vegan hot dogs with mustard on two sprouted wheat hot dog buns (couldn't finish the buns - they were too filling)
1 peach
Small container soy yogurt - vanilla flavored
16 oz. water
Dal Soup
1/2 can light fruit ****tail
1 cup mashed potatoes with vegan margarine and vanilla soy milk
1-1/2 cups vanilla soy milk
Evening Snack
2 Tofutti Cuties (me)
1 Slim A Bear (for him)
Denise Phares/kitties4