What did you eat today? 05/27
Today was so hard. My system got accustom to eating high fat junk food while I was on vacation. Today when I went back to dieting I felt hungry all day. I hated it. I couldn't stick to the dieting. I just ate ate ate. I know I did better than my vacation days, but I think I was well over 2000 cals. today.
Tomorrow I get my food delivery and I'm hoping it will be a bit easier tomorrow as I cut back.
EYE might smack you Miz Neen, tho! Don't skip meals. Not good...just keep on eating right like lower level choices did not happen. My day: 20 minutes asanas, including 100 bal crunches 1 egg/half cup nf milk/2TBS half&half/cinnamon/1 c water = egg cream 1 small protein bar + 1/2 c raw broccoli L: 1 c tuna casserole + 1 c raw bok choy w/balsamic dressing Snack: 1 scoop hi protein pdr in coffee + 1/2 odwalla bar 1 hour wog in big hills Supper: 1.5 c chili w/chunks of beef + 1/2 oz cheese + 1 svg tortilla chips Needed some fruit in this mix.