Abstinence - 50th Day
1 banana
1 cup puffed millet cereal (very tiny puffs, by the way)
1 cup soy milk
1 cup coffee
20 oz. water
5-lettuce salad, with mushrooms, chickpeas, cashews, grape tomatoes, baby carrots, and honey dijon dressing and marinade
2 pieces whole grain cornbread
1 can split pea soup (Progresso Brand)
1 1-1/2 oz. box raisins
20 oz. water
Spaghetti Supreme sauce (with TVP instead of meat)
7-grain and whole wheat spaghetti
1 can vegetarian vegetable soup
1-1/2 cups Silk Light Soy Milk
By the way, my husband is not doing the Vegan diet with me. He does not believe in vegetarianism, because he said we evolved as omnivores, with our hunter-gatherer societies being the first ones. I am doing this both to lose all my excess fat and for my future health. Try reading The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, published in 2006. It'll really open your eyes to how healthy the American Diet really is.
Denise Phares/kitties4