my suggestion would be to seek some professional guidance. go see a nutritionist who can look at your specific needs and your specific body to give you a personalized plan. everyone in this forum will tell you something different based on their experiences. even the internet tools are based on a formula and not personalized. for example, jersey's BMR calculator puts mine at 1550 when in actuality using a precise individualized measure where you breathe into a high tech aparatus and are tracked on a computer its 1910. big difference. if you can do it, perhaps hire a trainer for 1 or 2 sessions to set up a fitness program for you. a mile 3 times a week isn't much, but you don't have to kill yourself for an hour every day either.
i would highly, highly recommend you monitor your intake. this is important for accountability and will help you when you try and target your problems with a professional. a lot of times, we forget about the m&ms we picked up from someone's desk or the free cookie from the harris teeter. write down everything - planned or not. this means you have to measure - how much chicken? how much dressing and what kind? that sort of thing. definitely track your food for a week or so before you meet with the nutritionist - that way they can get a real sense of what you're eating. there is no one way that works for everybody, regardless of what you hear. bottom line is that there is just so much we don't know about this stuff (metabolism, weight regulation etc) and we're all just trying to figure out what works for us in both the long and short run. is it maintainable for you to never eat bread or drink soda ever again? good luck with your journey. its definitely possible but its takes time and patience.