VSG on 03/13/12
Ok....so I wanted to be 200 by the end of this month...not gonna happen. COuld have happened...for sure. But this month has been a total wreck.
I had an allergic reaction to the new meds.
Sprain my ankle....which I am still in the air cast...I REALLY hurt it bad. Usually I jump right back but I really screwed it up. So I cant walk in the mornings....
The manager quit in Illinois which means I work 7 days a week 10-14 hours a day.
I havent been taking my Phen.
My grandfather passed on Monday.
One HELL of a month I tell you! But my new goal is to be under 200 by June 21st my brothers open house. WHich Monday reguardless of my ankle I am walking in the mornings again...air cast and all. I cant take this...I still want to be 170 or under by July 27th which is when I am going to California...I know I can do it. Im just in a bit of a slump...but I am actually comfortable with my weight right now...but I desire more of a loss. :)
You have had a rough month!! Sorry to hear about your grandfather..always rough losing a loved one. I hope that your ankle gets better soon so that you are able to get back in your groove!! And working that many hrs a day yeah it doesn't leave much time for anything else thats for sure.
And yes you can do it..you will get back in your groove once the ankle heals and all.
What are you going to California for?
I leave out next Saturday to go for my sisters graduation from medical school. I was wanting to lose more myself before then but not going to happen!
Anyways, hang in there..and take care of yourself!