What did you eat today? 5/08
I really don't know what I'm at today and that's kinda sucky. I was at 694 before dinner. DH wanted to go out. I had a funcky looking grilled chicken leg, fries, garlic bread (palm sized). I'm still off the diet cokes today. It was harder to stay off of it today. I was eye balling DH's diet coke all during dinner. The caffeine withdrawals equals a big old headache part of the day. I'm on this eating plan hard core this week, no cheating, no exceptions.... let's hope I see some results come Monday.
LOTS better here! Exercise: 55 minute wog before work 1 hi protein cappacino 1 mini meal bar Lunch: 1 cup high protein soup + 1//2 ham wrap sandwich with spinach on it S: 1 chocolate protein pdr in coffee Supper: baked lite breaded fish = 2 tsp tartar sauce + 6 baked fries + 2 c coleslaw with lite dressing
Shoulda ate more veggies, no fruit at all! EDIT: oops! I did eat one medium golden delicious apple at noonish.