I found a product that works for me/ childhood obesity
LOl! anphetamines! I know, this is one thing when I hear about the "obesity" crisis" that makes me laugh. A LOT of docs prescribed speed to kids and moms in the 60's and 70's. So, who knows when exactly this whole thing started. Before that, doctors nor public health kept records of kids and adult weights, so how did we get the so-called baseline numbers? I personally am not so sure that there is an obesity epidemic. I think kids are getting bigger - based on better nutrition & supplements during pregnancy. My girls are both 68 inches tall - their father and I are 64 and 66 inches respectively. My sibs and I are all taller than my dad and mom....and so on. But, having said that, it is important to help girls especially knwo that we are not all barbie dolls, never owuld be, and to mess with restricting intake at preteen ages is dangerous and only adds to the weight gain problems. If i had only accepted that my body is a natural born size 14, i would have never gotten obese. AND furthermore, to call this an obesity crisis is damning. It suggests that all fat people eat unhealthily. Ummmm, you alluded to it - many thin people eat like holy hell! How about we back up this train and simply get back to eating good whole food where possible?
Thanks and I will e-mail you later.
Susan don't push your daughter too much in my opinion... That is how I ended up morbidly obese, because I was dieting from age 2 onwards@@
165 for her age is a bit heavy, but not OBESE! (I was obese, at that age, at 260 pounds)
If she continues to grow, she will be goodstaying at that weight for now. The danger is of course tht she'll get obsessed about it, does all kinds of bad-for-you diets that make here yoyoyo and end up in the place you DON'T want her to be. Just lead by example about good eating and moving a lot. Maybe talk with the dad.
Oh by the way, there is a special thread on OH about childhood obesity, maybe those people can give you very good tips! I just wanted to say, be careful not to obsess over it. I am sensitive to this because it partly made me end up here :-(