Trying really HARD to get back
Tracking sounds like a tool that works for you. I have never been a 'tracker' myself. Always was 'gonna' track my intake... but never quite actually did it.
As for the party... YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING... kids brought friends with them who weren't invited? No way!????!!! How rude is that? That would drive me nuts, I am a super organised person... I would have prizes for each guest, lolly bags to take home, names already on cups, the table set for birthday girl and 6 guests... I think I would freak if someone brought an extra. Gee, I must be a control freak? I usually make lollybags for siblings though- but unless parents stay siblings don't stay. No way. I am in shock that that happened to you. Who drags these kids up?
Right... enough about rude parents....
GO GET ON YOUR ELLIPTICAL! No excuses... if you make excuses to yourself you will learn to accept excuses.