hi Sherrie,
It's hard to remember!! LOL I know that in the first 3 weeks of being on SB I lost 19 pounds. I do remember by the end of 12 weeks I had lost 60 pounds. Put me a tiny bit under 300 at that point. I was ecstatic but of course realized i had a lot more to go. I lost 138 by the end of that first year, that I remember well. So since July of 2006 I've been on the maintenance train.
I think that without that rapid weight loss I would have been doomed to failure again. I faithfully tracked my food that entire year, and lemme tell you I was an angel. Nothing passed these lips that wasn't on my plan. It worked for me, I HAVE to be that way.
I did have some rebound gain, it's fairly normal from what I hear. I was not happy with it but I lived with it. Then I had some REAL gain when I thought I could eat normally again. There is no such thing as a formerly morbidly obese person eating normal. Folks, it's just not happening. So I had my stints of doing well again, they'd last typically like any other diet would have lasted. It wasn't until the scale showed something that was downright frightening and I realized I was about to begin to undo all the hard work, that I got back on track. Since getting back on track -- which to me is tracking religiously and nothing getting past these lips that isn't on plan -- I've lost 11 pounds. I don't own those, not for a second. I'll start owning them when I get back into that range that I worked hard to get back to. A friend of mine said that I should own them. That if we have to own what we gained we damn well should own it again when we lose. LOL
As far as those that talk about not depriving yourself of things you really want, I say hogwash. That might work well for someone who had 20 pounds to lose, but it doesn't work for us 100 pounders, it just doesn't. We clearly do not know how to do things in moderation, do we? So why do we think we can eat one reesees peanut butter egg?
Um, Sherrie, did you ask for all that??? LOL
As far as strawberries and blueberries, those are so low in calories and so high in fiber and all other good stuff, LOL, there would be really no problem with putting them back in in moderation at the beginning.
The premise of South Beach is to eat low glycemic foods so that you don't spike your sugar and kick off those cravings. You figured that out quick enough what that feels like. But in the end it's all about what you are putting in your mouth as well as how much of it. There is no secret handshake to figuring all this out, there really isn't. In the end it's a fairly simple approach to it all. I just keep thinking of how great it feels to lose, how mu*****ontrol I feel, and I wonder WHY in the world I undo it each and every time I decide to go off plan. Blah!!! But that's another whole Oprah.
off to the gym, have a great day!!!
"Accountability first to yourself, then nobody else matters"