Atkins Day 10 - GOT BEEF???
2 sausage patties
1/4 cup eggbeaters
1 tbs real bacon bits
1 Wendy's Classic Triple, no bun or condiments
1 Wendy's caesar side salad
Snack: (6:15pm)
1 Mozzarella cheese stick
1 snack slice mild cheddar
Dinner: (9:30pm)
1 Hardee's Philly Cheese Steak Thickburger, no bun
2 Hardee's Bacon Cheddar burgers, no bun
I had errands to run at lunch so I decided to eat out. It was DELICIOUS! MMm god I forgot out much I loved real beef burgers! Had some major problems at work tonight so I ended up staying till 8:30 so I had a snack at my normal quitting time. Stopped by Hardee's on the way home since Wendy's tasted so good I thought Hardee's must be just as good! heheh
Never felt hunger today despite the long period without a real meal. I got me some calories in fat in today though! WOOHOO! lmao I tore me up some BEEF baby!! Tons of fat and not all the good stuff either! Ahh well! Tasted wonderful and ya know what.. t'aint gonna hurt me! nanner nanner! lol
okay I'm done.
LOL, you dork.
Glad you enjoyed your beef!
Are you getting tired of eggs and cheese yet? Think I'm getting tired of em, I'm gonna have to mix things up a bit. I just made two extra chicken breasts to eat during the day so that will help. I need to come up with a few more ideas. Tomorrow's weigh in! I'm so excited to find out. I weighed myself every day of course for four days or so, then I stopped looking at the scale. I haven't weighed myself in I think three?!?! days.
I'm sooooo excited!!
I've tried the turkey bacon. It doesn't taste good at all to me. I eat a lot of other turkey meat though. I love ground turkey and use it in my meatloafs and spaghettis. Deviled eggs are fantastic! They take too much time to make though. I suppose I could spend some time on the weekend prepping things but I like my hot breakfast. I'm not a big cold food fan. Part of the reason why salads and sandwiches turn me off. Don't like the coldness. :)
VSG on 03/13/12
Ok I guess I have a question. I dont want to make it sound like you're doing bad so don't take it that way...because it sounds great.
But sometimes on Atkins some people like you are doing....are eating all of that fast food meat or the sausage patties and all this bacon....grease grease grease sodium...i mean just TONS of it...and FAT. Yes I know fat is good but isn't there a line where it stops? Fat, Grease, Sodium....clog arteries am I wrong? So is this really GREAT?
Just a question. :) Keep it up Kriz :)
That's a common myth about atkins. We've been told for years that meat and fat=bad and will clog our arteries. Not true. The sodium we get from the foods we eat should be fine. It's when those foods are injected and the sodium is jacked way up that I believe we see problems. My blood pressure has gone down since starting atkins, even with all of the sodium I'm eating. As far as Atkins clogging your arteries though..that's not true. Atkins raises your HDL which is the good cholesterol that takes the fats out of the arteries to the liver to be processed. Atkins doesn't lower your LDL, the bad cholesterol, though. It typically stays the same or elevates. However, what is more important is the ratio. If you are raising your HDL to counter your rising or already high LDL then I suspect all is well. Also, Atkins lowers your triglycerides, or the fats traveling around in your blood. These are the ones that can cause heart disease. It's important to read his book before you do Atkins so you can learn what things you have to watch for. Atkins doesn't work for everyone. Some people's bodies react differently. You have to work with your doctor or know how to read and request your lab results. I'll be going in to check my lipid panel and have other blood work done monthly. If I find my labs are getting out of hand then I'll adjust my diet accordingly.
You also have to remember that you're not on such a restricted low-carb and high protein/fat regime forever. Studies show that doing this for 6 months to a year isn't harmful. There are no studies however beyond that. Usually you don't have to do this any longer than that because the weight comes off and you reach goal, thus transferring to maintenance. In maintenance you'll eat a well balanced meal that will still be higher in protein than carbs but will be smaller portions of the meats. I haven't read everything on maintenance yet but I suspect it will be very similar to how I was eating before atkins with meat, veggies, and the occasional starch in my meals. Remember also that after induction you will be eating a little more carbs from veggies which will also fill you up and will thus decrease the amount of meats and fats you're eating.
I know seeing what I'm eating is hard to imagine as healthy and if I were eating the breads, sugars and or stuff with it, it could be detrimental to my health. I'm in ketosis so my body is using this stuff for fuel. Yesterday was a heavy food day. I ate entirely too much for dinner and I paid for it when I tried to sleep. I hate overeating now. Can't stand it. I know it when I do it and I'm trying to address the behavior around it. Slowly but surely it's getting much better! I find I don't have to eat nearly as much on Atkins and that's hard to do! heheh
Atkins said, "In advising readers to have a medical checkup, including blood chemistry, done BEFORE they embark on his low carbohydrate/high protein/high animal fat diet to use as a baseline from which to monitor changes, Dr. Atkins says: "If you keep track of those hidden physical changes that are measured in your blood - and these numbers your doctor can best interpret for you - you'll find, after you go on the diet, that they begin improving steadily. I'm talking about uric acid levels, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, glucose and insulin levels. . . if you have your blood chemistries done, you'll discover that the "experts" on low-carbohydrate dieting - those physicians who never studied a low carbohydrate diet in their lives - will be proved wrong yet again. For them, being wrong must be habit-forming. . . Here's what you should expect: Your uric acid levels will be normal, your kidney function will be excellent, your blood glucose and insulin levels will have stabilized, your triglyceride level will almost certainly have fallen sharply, and your cholesterol level will already be starting to go down . . . While checking your lab work, get your entire state of health estimated. Make sure to have your blood pressure done. High blood pressure is known for its insidiousness. . . What happens to blood pressure on the diet? Just this: Nothing is more consistently and rapidly observed on the Atkins diet than normalization of blood pressure."
A link for you: ientific-study-yet-backs-atkins-diet.html
VSG on 03/13/12
High fat diets wreak havoc on my stomach. Digestion sucks when I eat all that crap. Acid reflux soars when I eat like your talking about. Since I don't eat that stuff I'm no longer taking prescription meds for my stomach and my digestion has improved. I honestly do feel better.
I don't believe that all that saturated fats do not clog arteries. I can't see how all these heart doctors are wrong. Just based on the way my body feels in general when I don't eat that stuff is enough for me. You are quite a bit younger than me, but IMO it will catch up to you and not be so easy to handle as you age.
O.K. don't everyone blast
VSG on 03/13/12
I highly agree with you Brenda on this. I know when I eat pizza or when I eat fast other than a salad or grilled chicken, my stomach is sick to no end. Like it feels like I have a flu bug where it makes me want to be sick...It is worse now if I eat it because I don't eat it as much as I used to.
And I imagined the same with you on the doctor thing all of those cardiologists...I mean there has to be a line where the fat goes to high, I just feel all of that grease and fat would clog some stuff and I know it makes me feel yucky when I eat it.
Im gonna get blasted too!!!!