I think I have lost my mind....
Sherrie, losing this weight is so awesome. People are noticing. I am noticing. I have more energy than I have had in so long. I just want to shout from the roof tops. I thought surgery would honestly be my only option but now it is just that "an option" .
Em, as far as setting an example for my girls, you bet you sweet a** I am. My oldest is getting so discouraged because I keep losing and she hasn't. Maybe my new found energy will be what drives her to give more effort but I won't force her. Just like me, she has to do this for her if she wants it.
Thanks Neecee for the butterfly comment. It's a comment that made me sit back and say....she's right and to be compared to something so beautiful...Thank you.
Oh cool, I say go for it! It is weird how we crave these things isn't it. Iike what Lori had to say about it, it made perfect sense to me. It made me realize that my body has craved things before and I never "fed" it what it wanted, so it went back to where I was at. kwim? This this is it Beth! You got to go on that hike, or call it a walk, whatever...but you have to go!
That's great!