OT: Are you doing what your really want to do?
The past few years I've been getting the blah's over not being successful in a career. I go in spurts with it and at a time I was almost registered back in school. I even tried online, but it failed, ,think it was just a bad school. Anyway, my husband just finished school and taking his certs now, he will have an IT degree in no time. I went to school to be an accountant, two classes before graduating I quit. Long story short, I had too..bad marraige and afraid for my life and my kids lives so I had to leave. I've since learned I hate accounting, so I've had no desire to go back to finish.
With my husband finishing and finding out how much money we owe in loans this past six months I've pretty much given up on the dream of what if's. His loans will be the amount of a small house. We now kick ourself in the butt for going to a specialized private school. Now that it's getting closer to him having his degree, my sister in law is getting her doctorate in science this year, just everyone seems to be doing what they have long desired to do. It's sort of getting me down in a way. Sure I've been busy raising four kids, and I've had jobs, and one that I fell in love with. But I've never got my degree, or never did what I REALLY had my heart set upon.
Now with his loans coming in pretty soon, and my past loans I keep wondering if I should just forget it once and for all. I mean, I'm almost forty years old! That is another thing that keeps ringing in my ears whenever I think about the possibility. What do you all think. Where do you draw the line and say...my life is happy with what I got now, or I'm getting too old for that, or we just can't afford it. I'm having a hard time acknowledging the fact that the chances of me going back to school are getting pretty slim.
What's your thoughts on this.
But are they really dreams? They don't have to be. To me that's like saying I'll be fat forever, losing weight is just something I want really bad..hence a dream. Just like I was in a bad marriage and got out of it. It seemed like a dream at the time, but not when I got determined and got out of it.
Maybe I'm thinking too much into it today. When I wrote it I was more or less generalizing for a forty year old to go back to school, is it really worth it, is it worth the extra burden, should we be happy with what we got or keep going for the sky, when should it stop? I don't like "dreams", lol I like reality. I think everyone should live their dreams, or try too. Think I've wasted a lot of years, and it's sneaking up on me. I'm alright with the life I have, but I hate not knowing what could have been.
Dont you?
That to me is like giving up on myself, which not going back makes me feel like I am. Just trying to justify not having the money or getting older to make it all better. Makes me think how many of us have lived our lives to the max of what we can and want out of life. Just like losing weight, I personally wonder why I've waited this long before doing something about it.....just an example.
Lol, sorry so deep...must be "in the mood" today. :) Lol, maybe I'm going thru midlife crisis!haha
Bah, your answer was fine. I was just trying to make a point, not walk on what you said. Sorry if I sounded like that. Guess I'm thinking a lil too much into it today. I've been looking at schools and stuff all day long, getting a needing, yet regretting feeling come over me. lol make sense?
Doesn't it just irk you sometimes if you regret to do something you should have done long ago? The older I get the more I'm finding this out about me. Guess it's telling me I need to start living now instead of the past!