why do you think people are getting fatter?
Ditto- especially the part about the ease and availability of processed foods and people who can't cook. I'll probably ruffle some feathers adding this but I do feel that as a working woman my time is alot less than women who didn't work in the past- so this impacts what is eaten. Not saying that women 'shouldn't' work- just saying it creates an additional time/stress factor for many women.
The abundance of refined sugars and starches in the American diet is certainly a contributing factor, but there's far more to it than just this. We are living in a society of "convenience". Rarely do we walk anywhere because most of us have access to some form of motorized transportation. We no longer have to "work" in the kitchen because modern conveniences help us limit the time and effort it used to take to cook meals and clean up. The supermarkets are full of frozen and already put together meals. We don't even have to walk to the corner store to pick up a paper.... we just push a button on our keyboards. We rarely have to rifle through file drawers and communicating with a co-worker on another floor is done by e-mail. Inventory control is only as hard as it takes to power up our puters. We don't play sports anymore.... we pop in a video game. We hardly walk the malls... we just do our shopping on the internet and socialize there as well instead of putting the effort into preparing to entertain. Who's got time? Instead of picking up a "skinny" chicken in the supermarket.. they're all nice and plump. I sincerely believe the chemicals used to plump up the animals we use for food have plumped us up as well. I've noticed that children in my own family have developed features that make me think the mailman was involved somewhere. The grandmothers have feet no bigger than a size 5. The daughters are 6's and 7's. The granddaughters have 9 - 11's!!! The great grandaughters are falling right in line! I believe the food pyramid was designed to push what the government decided could be easily grown instead of what was really appropriate. I believe the chemicals used to grow our food have been poisoning us for years. When I was a kid.... phys ed was a part of every single school day. When my daughter was in high school, there WAS no phys ed! It went from physical to academic. She never had to walk to the library like I did, she never met the kids down at the basketball courts at night to play. There was no "field day" like we had (once a year the entire school competed in different sports over the course of a few days at the biggest park in town). I know there are many other contributing factors, but these are the first to come to mind.