What in the world is going on?
Alli helps them not metabolize the fat, so they have calorie loss (I work for the pharma co. that makes this).
Calories have an impact, not taking that away, they're just not the end all be all of weight loss.
Hey Chris, interesting article for you:
http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2008/02/25/the-science- of-fat-loss-why-a-calorie-isnt-always-a-calorie/
That is a pretty interesting article! Semi-Starvation on 1570 calories a day with the calories coming mostly from carbs. Very low fat. Issues encountered were "thought ceaselessly about food, they became lethargic, they were cold all the time, they became depressed, they developed bleeding disorders, their ankles became edematous, and some developed more serious psychological disorders."
Sorry to hijack this post! :(
The one thing I noticed about the two studies was that they aren't a direct comparison. The first group was doing this MUCH longer than the second group. However, it was less than 2 weeks on the restricted diet that the 1st group started complaining of being hungry and wanting more food. The second group never felt that way. Could that because the 1st group was told they were going to be starved? Was the second group told that they wouldn't feel hungry? In other words, is this psychological?? Either way it's pretty convincing evidence that low-fat high carb makes you more hungry than if you ate high fat and low carb. This article and the many other articles I've read has left me pretty convinced that low-fat is really a bunch of bull**** and that low-carb is NOT unhealthy.
That is not fair to blame USDA for the skyrocketing obesity. For starters, the Food Pyramid has a myriad of science based organizations behind it: Center for Disease Control, National Institute of Health, Institute of Medicine, Tufts, ...not exactly the slowest of the herd.
That crappy little study you quoted...are you kidding me? what credentials could that guy, selling a book and speaking engagements, have? I think i spotted the word Harvard on that whole page, but he made sure it was far from that article! So, therefore he is not a complete idiot.
Remember, "Agriculture" as in Department of, also encompasses meat production...Atkins plays right into that hand, does it not? As much as Grains and dairy promoted by the pyramid does!
I guess I go back to, would you completely discount the success of WW? As a weight loss method that pretty much embraces the pyramid, it has far reaching successful effects.
Atkins? Yes, many great features and many successes, but like WW, people cannot or will not stay on it for life.
Look, the pyramid did not make people fat...underestimating portions did on an indiviual basis. Fast food on every corner, enormous portions sizes in commercially sold food, artificial fats, sugars, lack of meaningful exercise, social marketing of very low quality food...those things are more like the answer to the question!
I have read also that if you have some high calorie days, your body adjust to burning more of those calories so that when you revert to lower calorie days it is still burning at the high calorie rate. In essence, it said it is good to fluctuate you calories because it keeps your body guessing and keeps it burning those calories.
I restrict my calories quite a bit because I am looking at possibly having the VSG and it is a restriction only surgery. I am seeing if I can't restrict without having to go to the extent of actually having surgery. Thing is I also have days where I allow myself a little more or treat I have really been craving. I had a serious sugar craving a couple of weeks ago so I bought a bag a skittles. Fixed that craving right up. I didn't worry and fret over. I just ate them and enjoyed and went on with my diet after that.
My point is, don't beat yourself up over your little binge. Realize you enjoy those things, you ate them and your body said, "Wow. This is great." and rewarded you. Now, I don't recommend it as a steady diet but I do think you have to give in to your cravings now and then and shake up those calories and your metabolism from time to time to keep things moving. Don't worry about the binge and jump back on the wagon. You'll do fine.
Thanks Beth -- yeah I am trying not to worry about it too much. We are going out of town this weekend so I am going to try to plan ahead and take some things with us to have -- don't want to get the munchies and go hog wild.
I do believe there is something to be said for shaking up the calorie count here and there to throw your body off. I have heard others talk about that on here too. It makes sense. I'm back on the wagon and staying. I will just have to decide how I want to modify from here on out so that I don't get to the stuck point again and do what I did this time! Thanks for your encouragement!