Question for WW people
I was looking for one of my WW pamphlets, but the kids must have took all of them out of my bag. arggh!
I am looking for information on WW quickstart. I remember it was 20 flex points a week if you were on Flex. You only are allowed to do this for one week and then take a three week break...I believe. Please correct me if I'm wrong. But if any of you have this pamphlet, does it say anything about Core users?? Or any other details I'm not remembering.
This is something different. It's not Core or Flex. It's just if you want to give yourself a boost or at a plateau. Since your on Flex you would use only 20 points instead of your normal amount of points for one week ONLY. Then if you want to do it again, you have to wait at least for three weeks before you repeat it.
That is if I remember it correctly. I'm doing Core though, so I was wondering if there was a saying in the pamphlet regarding Core at all, or if I have to switch to Flex for a week to do it.
Sorry, guess I should of explained it a little better. :) Thought you suppose to know what I'm talking about Delilah. hehe
I've glanced at the WW site, but can only find info about what I know of it already.
I think it's actually one of the hand out pamphlets they give you, not in the book.