Nonsurgical Weight Loss - No dieting, No pills, etc
Ran across this on the news today. It's an ultrasonic machine that evidently breaks up your fat cells and forces your liver to process the triglycerides. Many say that it works. I'm skeptical.
VSG on 03/13/12
I seen this maybe 4 months ago or something around there on the news. I guess its not for obese people or anything. Its kind of like say i am 120 pounds I get pregnant I have my baby...lose my weight and I am at 135. But I want to be 120....They can take like your stomach and whereever and break it down. Its for smaller doesnt work for obese people. So just bru**** out of your mind lol.
I was actually thinking about using it to get the fat out of my pinky toe. :P
Yeah I kinda gathered it wasn't for obesity but when the display it on the news they make it out like it's the newest, most innovative product for fighting obesity. Gotta love the media... Just makes me feel real good to know that when I'm 165 lbs I may need to get ultrasonic fat burning done to fight my 'obesity'...