Em I need your expertise on sushi! :)
If I remember correctly you made sushi all the time. Well I'm a fanatic of the stuff and since I'm doing Core on WW I can only use brown rice. I found a WW recipe and it called for short brown rice. I made it and put it in the fridge, which I never did with the white rice. Now today I am making the sushi and it's all falling apart. Is it because I didn't make it right after cooking it? Does it have to be fresh rice? Or is it just because it's short brown rice instead of white short rice? grrrrr I want my sushi!
OK hmm... brown rice... never tried it but the basics should be the same... rice for sushi needs lots of starch for the 'sticking' plus a sushi mix poured over the hot rice helps make it sticky.
Did your brown rice come out of the pan gluggy to start with? or did you rinse it? I suspect you may have boiled then drained the rice- thereby washing the starch down the drain? I use the absorption method to cook sushi rice.
"The rice and water are brought to a quick boil, boiled for 1 minute, covered, simmered for 20 minutes, and let stand for 10 minutes after removing from the heat."
I just googled this recipe for brown rice sushi: they don't use the absorption method but it is for brown rice:
You might get away with making a second batch of rice that is sticky then mixing the first lot through -might not be quite as sticky but will probably do OK- freeze leftover rice for next time.
Happy sushi munching- now you've got me wanting to make some!
When I cooked it, I rinsed it out first, then cooked it in the rice cooker.
The more I think about it, the more I think the rice was more sticky right after cooking it. I just warmed it up in the microwave a little bit before I started cooking with it tonight, which didn't work. Maybe I should have warmed it up on the stove instead?!?! Possibly.
I'll have to freeze some like you said, I've never tried freezing rice before!