Bicycle-powered washing machine
Now this is interesting! Too bad I'm lazy as hell, stupid as hell, and would never be able to build one. But talk about a way to get some movement in...
That is great- I sent it to my dh and told him I want one for my next birthday :)
Actually- the washer is like the one we had when I was a little kid... my best friend back then- got her HAND in the ringer of one of these.... The scars were HORRIBLE! OUCH!
But the concept is GREAT! Truthfully though- I think I'll hold out for a new front load set :)
I was thinking, I need a husband to forward this to so he can build it for me! Bless those sweeping generalizations...but seriously. I mean, when I moved I had 20 miles of wiring to set up my music stuff, had a friend & some dude friend of his (stranger to me) over, offered to buy them a drink if they set it up for me...and they didn't even really want the drink. THEY THOUGHT IT WAS FUN!