Is "Light" really Light?
I was eating a Yoplait Light Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt and decided to look on the back panel. It's 110 calories for 6 ounces. It carries a whopping 20 grams of carbs, 15 grams of sugar and 6 little grams of protein. It is fat free though..but my faith that fat free is a good thing is starting to diminish.
Anyways, all of that is not that big of a deal. It says on the front "With Aspartame & Other Sweetener, Vitamins A&D Added" So I go to look at the ingredients and the second thing listed is "High Fructose Corn Syrup".. ARGH!! That's not light!! Aspartame doesn't come into play until 5 ingredients down. Not that aspartame is any better but still don't list it on the front of the container when you're putting more HFCS in it than aspartame! It should have read "HFCS and other sweeteners".
I just makes me angry that they call something "light" and then they put in some crap like HFCS. It's like they completely void the good stuff they put in this yogurt by putting in the bad crap. I realize it's all about making money but damn. They're killing people. I swear I'm going to stop buying anything that's convenient. I'm tired of putting this crap in body. Maybe there's something to this organic craze going on.
No more low-fat or light for me. There's not many sugar free things out that that I would even want to eat either. But if there is something I crave from those lines of food then I suppose I can induldge.
I've been feeling really good lately with how I've been eating and exercising. The weight loss is really slow. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I need some more time to reflect I guess. :)
Well it definitely tasted good but it was a horrible snack. It didn't satiate me at all. I ended up eating a special k protein bar which was no better cuz it was loaded with the same crap.
I will also not buy anymore of the South Beach diet meals either. 250 calories sounds wonderful but my my best friends 1 year old can eat more than that in a sitting. The wife went shopping and was trying to find good things for me to eat at work but I think I'm just going to stick to leftovers and sandwiches. These prepackaged things just make me more hungry!
Yup, yogurts as a snack just **** me off....I could seriously suck back 10 of any of them and not blink. I know so many women especially who have one - ONE - for breakfast. I mean...HOW????
I have to get the low fat, low sugar, AND add soy powder to it before I add a cup of fresh fruit to even begin to hit satiety.
Not worth it, really. I feel more satiated drinking non fat milk.
Nope haven't tried them. I think I've boycotted frozen meals alltogether though. I'm enjoying leftovers and sandwiches far more than the frozen dishes. They just always leave me disappointed either in quality or quantity. Lori gave me a bunch of nutrisystem meals that have far more volume (and taste for that matter) than any of the 'healthy' frozen dinners. Unfortunately the wife and I have eaten all of the nutrisystem meals! heheh
You are having one epiphany after another these days!
Given your post, you might like "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan. It's probably on the best sellers list right now. He's a writer and a very smart guy but it should probably be taken as literature and not solely as health advice. I bet it'll give you some good fuel for that food rage though...LOL.
In general, "light" means nothing definitive (I'm not talking about the FDA rules), and if there's a health claim on the package, there's a pretty decent chance it's not "good" for you.
By the way, I had Lucky Charms for breakfast the other day.