Went to the endo and....
I'm hanging in there, but low. See, no one in my family has diabetes...that we know of. I think there were signals and I think some went untested. My dad, who died at 56 of a dissected aorta, would eat sweets like crazy. My brother has started doing that. I think it is a clue somehow. Told my mom, who is officially worried about me, and I think is going to be a hard one to understand why I will have to stay away from certain foods.
I'm low, but I can only take a step at a time. Plan for my doctor visits and stick to Atkins. Down 5 lbs in 6 days and at 284 today.
Yanno what really helped me figure out what's what.... I was testing several times a day. Fasting.. pre and post prandial.. and before bed. One can get a really good idea of what invokes an insulin response by watching the numbers.. writing them down. If you didn't eat the sweets BEFORE you knew you were insulin resistent.. why would you even consider them now? :) Ain't no thang, darlin'... this thing doesn't own you.. you own it! Simple as that. You're a very competitive person... now you can compete against the possibility of diabetes. Show it who's boss! .