Question about Lent
VSG on 03/13/12
Ok I am not into religion or anything I have never been to a Mass or anything. Nothing at all, I went to like some youth thing with my friend one year one time that was it...we just played games. Anyways, since I have no "religion" (I have my own beliefs but we wont get into that) OnTO my question!
Lent. The true form of it anyone know? I know people give up red meat or meat and can only eat this on a friday or saturday or I dont know....someone explain! :) I might do it.....but might not lol.
Lent is a mostly Catholic practice that begins today, Ash Wednesday, and lasts forty days, till Easter, the Resurrection of Christ.
It is an identification with Christ in his physical form and his forty days and forty nights in the wilderness, where he fasted and then was tempted by Satan with earthly demands of the flesh. It's a time of reflection and soul searching. As a form of spiritual discipline, you give up something that is not good for you, but that you really enjoy.
When Satan showed Christ the world, and offered it to him, he said, "Get thee behind me, Satan". Which means that we put God ahead of the things of this world. That's what I get out of it, anyway!
When I was using these principles to lose weight, the disclipline and the soul searching, I would say, "Get thee behind me, Chocolate"!!!