how did U move 2day?????
My my, you and your hills! :) I still haven't gotten into an exercise routine. I'm finding it so hard to get motivated to START. I had interviews today, so was busy with that. I did go to Costco's today, and took my mom. Since I didn't do any form of excercise I decided to at least park the furthest away from the door. I parked totally on the other side of the door to the building. I know..pathetic, but every little part counts right? My mom had a tissy fit! She complained the whole entire time walking into the building. Needless to say it was like 5 degrees with a wind chill, so it really was in the negatives. But still! Heck I'm the one with asthma and the cold irritates my lungs. But I thought I could use a few more steps, so I took up on the opportunity. I'm getting so tired of all the whines, moans, and groans from not being able to please everybody. I finally just told her to smile and be happy, she's working out. :) hehe She's 64 going on 95.
Start weight: 233//Goal weight: 130//Height: 5' 3.5"//Age: 29