How did you moooove today?
I got a free pass! After a really crappy wintery bluesy blowy day, the SUN actually came out at about 4:00!
I had my walking clothes packed up in the car, I slammed my files shut, and ran out that door! I did a 45 minutes fast walk in major hills. the road's name is Teton, and beleive it. it is straight up and then many rolling hills to get back to my car.
I am so proud I did it.
I did 20 minutes of ashtunga yoga this morning before work.
VSG on 03/13/12
I shouldn't complain.... but I think I had quite a sh*tful workout. I was supposed to do rows with the bar but whenever I get in that position with my butt sticking out, I get very self conscious and make every excuse in the world why I can't do it.... and THAT set the tone for the rest of the work out. I so hate being fat and I hat the fact that people think that fat people are there for personal amusement... I wanna go through the lines in Goodfellas
"what.. you find me funny .. like how.. like I'm a clown.. like I'm here to amuse YOU"
Maybe I'm just pissy because my left hip is freaking out and my left elbow didn't want to cooperate. I should have taken the day to recover from that long ride yesterday.