HOMINY!!!!!!!! LOL
My hubby wants to gag jus****ching me cook the stuff but I *LOVE* hominy!!! I had never checked the points on it until today as I opened a can- mistakingly, thinking it was corn :)
One cup is only 2 points!!! Awwww... my tummy feels FULL and I feel satisfied :)
I'm off to a good start this week... only used about 12 points with breakfast/snack/lunch AND have SIX cups of my water in me already :)
Got up early, cleaned the house- and did some other chores. Got the kids off to school (drove them) then came home and mopped all the floors and got ready for the first kiddo's to arrive :)
MIL was to leave on the ferry at 3 this afternoon.... it's delayed till 10 p.m. now, but I am workin my point system for all it's worth! The crap is going to be OUT of my house, (NOT referring to mother-in-law OR her ability to cook... but you KWIM)
(since the ferry is 7 hours late- she's up there baking an apple pie!)
I feel rejuvenated just knowing things are getting back to the normal grind! I've been making Disney themed dresses for my dd to wear on our trip to Disneyland (hey! I *love* digi scrapbooking- gotta have those pictures *perfect* after all- it IS the first vacation we have taken for 13 years!!!) Keeping my hands busy is helping me not feel the erg to snack!
I'm excited! I really FEEL excited with life getting back to normal again! I weighed the other day and was at 192 (35.1 BMI - the same as before Christmas!).... hoping I'll be at 190 REAL soon :) I have soooo missed seeing the scale move down! My new mini goal is to weigh 189 by Jan 23 (one week from Wednesday) and my BIGGER goal is to loose a total of 15 pounds by March 1. THAT may be pushing things a bit- I'm not sure? (It's roughly 2 pounds per week)
A 15 pound loss would put me at roughly 177 pounds (32.4 BMI). I have to be 163 pounds (29.8 BMI) to finally get out of the "obese" category with the Mayo clinic BMI calculator. (ha! Can't imagine EVER reaching the "normal" range! I'd have to be no heavier than 136!!)
Just rambling- kids are napping... I'm on my own for a little bit :)
Side note.... Holly!!! I can REALLY TELL the days are getting LONGER now! It's almost 3 and still VERY daylight outside!! How is it up there??