Magical Spaghetti
Theres really three thousand people there! It's actually bigger than I thought. One of these days I want to travel around and really see what different places here are like. For some reason when I think of a small place where you live I think of like twenty people there.ha
I was telling dh the other night I want to fly over to Juneau to see what it is like. He has this thing about not wanting to move out of Alaska. Well, Alaska is big! :) I'm sure we can find somewhere we both like. I absolutely LOVE Homer, always have. But the jobs are scarce. I also don't like the idea of no big malls there, no Fred Meyers, KMart, or even a Walmart. I like my shopping too much, not sure if I can live without them. Juneau is so close to Seattle I think that might be a good spot for us....maybe. :) Hmmmm, maybe I should suprise him with a week there sometime. It will probably be the only way I ever get to see the place. I also want to see Sitka!!
For the scale, I have the same issues you do. I have a WW scale that does program a few people on it but I've never worked it. I just tried to figure it out for you but I couldn't get it to work. I have a feeling though if you press on the "user" name, it will show your weight, or weight loss or gain. I doubt if they have any kind of code or anything on it, but that would be cool if they did. I know I don't want people snooping around looking to see how much my weight is. My recumbent bike does this also. You put in your weight before what program you want to see how many calories you burned. Although I love this feature, but I hate the fact that the next person who gets on it sees my amount of weight entered. Theres no privacy at all, unless you mess it up at the end of your session.......woohoo 120 pounds!hehe That would fool everyone!ha