Magical Spaghetti
That's funny. I also always hear snaps and pops when I stand on mine too. First time I got it I was afraid to get on it since it looks like glass. So far it's held up, but I'm still waiting for the day when my feet fall through it. Hmm, Tanita Ironman eh? I might have to look into that myself. I have this obsession with "toys" for myself. Yea, you can tell I'm getting old and no fun calling a scale a toy.hehe
Talking about toys, anyone else know of any other weight loss gadgets?? I've been feeling the need to buy something new. I've been thinking about buying a pedometer, but the ones I've seen so far look so cheap.

Costs? $15-60. MOre expensive the better the material it's made of. Here are a few I do, plus some links:
- Sit on it and lift the hand weights to the side. Up slow and down even slower (this is important, count to 3 on the way down).
- Sit on it and lift the hand weights to the front. Up slow and down even slower (this is important, count to 3 on the way down).
- Sit on it and punch the hand weights to the front as fast as you can, keeping them level.
- Lay on it and scooch forward so that your shoulders, head and neck are on it, but your behind is not. Keep you behind clenched and lifted so that you body is like a table (get the image?). Now do bench presses. Try But keep your body flat like a table!
- For your core, lay on it and have the ball supporting your middle and let your head hang a bit, do crunches, 20, 15, 10. The ball will allow you to hyper extend and get more out of the crunch.
- Do more crunches, only this time come up and twist to the side, then back down and up to twist to the other side. Count as one.
- Here's a toughy. Sit on the floor (mat). Lay flat. Have the ball between your feet (yes, it's a huge ball, but trust me). Have your arms stretched over head. Do a sit up where your extended arms meet your legs and take the ball and repeat back and forth. This is called a ball exchange.
- Sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat. Lean back a bit (argh!). Now with the ball in hand twist it and side to side, tapping the ground each time. m .html
Book: Swiss Ball For Total Fitness: A Step-by-step Guide, Improve Strength ... By James Milligan