I"m so nervous!!
I've been looking for a job lately. Today I got my first interview. All these negative thoughts are running through my head about being over weight, etc. I'm pretty positive on my passion and experience for it, so that helps me be strong. I'm praying it's not in front of the whole coordinating department. Ughhhh I'm getting nervous. It's been too long!! :)

VSG on 03/13/12
Are you kidding don't be nervous. Whenever i had interviews which have been like twice in my lifetime lol. Somehow I always get jobs with out one....odd. Anyways! I always walk in with the thought of myself being a skinny broad who owns the place! Confident and smiling. Just be totally confident don't be nervous you'll be great!
Thanks. Yea, I was that confident broad until this morning.hehe Closer I get the more nervous I get. Guess that is just the way interviews are. I just keep reminding myself that "I" am interviewing them! :) What really gets me is that I applied for some state positions also. They are not even closing though until another week. This job is perfect "IF" I don't get a state job. So it's like I'm gambling here. I will actually be surprised if I don't get this position. It's working in a care coordinating department which is right up my alley. There hard to come by though, so that is why I feel like I have to hop on this job. But GRRR I really want a state job!!!!!!! Trying to figure out if I want to chance it or not. Decisions!!!

I've had tons of interviews and have interviewed tons of people. I work in information technology and prior to my current position I was the operations manager of a small software company here in NC. I am currently a database administrator and am still involved in some interviews. One thing I always do is prepare for my interview. Initial interviews in my field are two-fold. There is first a set of questions about the character of the person. The second set will be technical questions or questions about the position. It may differ in your field.
I come up with a list of about 10 or 15 questions that I think I may be asked in an interview and I do a little bit of role playing. Typically I do this by myself but if you have someone to interact with it's quite nice. If I feel I lack in a certain area of technical skill I'll also do some high-level research on that topic should I get any questions about that. Be ready for the "What would you do if...", "Give me an example of a time you...", "What are your best/worst qualities?". It's important not to give answers that make you seem perfect... you and they both know you're not. It's okay to admit you made mistakes in the past but be sure to explain the lessons you learned from those.
The site below has some great interview questions. I've used them in the past.
You should bring at least 3 copies of your resume and a list of references (if you have them) with you to the interview. After you've greeted your interviewer and have sat down you'll want to hand he/she a copy of your resume. (Unless of course if they already have one on their desk.) If there is more than one person then hand your resume out to them as well. Also, be sure to bring a pen and paper with you should you need to write anything down. A small legal pad is always nice.
Another important thing is to have questions for your interviewer. Don't just say "nope, i'm good, don't have any questions." You should have questions! See they're not just interviewing you, you're interviewing them!! You have to go in there with the mindset that you're a valuable asset to this company and they're lucky to even be interviewing you. You'll need to make sure it's a company that you actually want to work for. Think about past work experiences and things you both liked and disliked about the position. You'll want to ask questions about how things are handled in this new environment to make sure you're not getting into something you'll hate.
Refrain from asking any questions about money or benefits on the first interview unless they bring it up to you. If you find yourself coming to a point where you want to talk about money then the interview is probably over and the next thing you should ask is "What's the next step?" or "How soon will you be making your decision?" If you have a list of references with you hand it to them after they've answered the next steps question(s) and thank them for their time.
After the initial interview it's always nice to follow up with a thank you email if possible. Nothing extravagant. Just a little thanks for the interview and that you look forward to hearing from them.
And remember to smile and be yourself! Make friends with these people! They're not there to scare you, they're there to pay you money!! SMILE REAL BIG! heheh There's really no need to be nervous but I know exactly how you feel.. I get nervous with each interview I give or receive. So far, being prepared has always helped me to get the job and reduce the palm sweat! Hope that helps!!
Thanks! I'm leaving in about an hour...ughh! I've actually hired before myself, but of course it always seems different on the other side. Lol, I was just thinking about positive and negative traits about myself and what I would say. I can't think of any bad qualities!! hmm Well I know you suppose to make it a positive answer instead of keeping it a negative response so I'm going to have to think about this one.
My husband just graduated with a bachelors in IT. He just needs to take another cert to get his degree and he's finally done. I'm so happy. Now maybe we have more of a chance to move!
Thanks for the info!! Now back to thinking of what I would say my bad qualities are.

How about a quality that is good but can be bad if taken to extremes like "Attention to Detail".
"I've found in the past that I sometimes get sooo involved in my work and making my project perfect that I give too much attention to detail. Doing so can cause me to spend too much time on that project or over complicate a simple problem. I've learned to identify this behavior and react to it accordingly so that my job is done in a quick and efficient manner."
It's actually a lesson I learned a year or so ago myself! I used to get so engulfed in minutia that the project would never get done. I've learned to prioritize the tasks and finish the project. If I feel at that point it could be improved then I go back and make changes but never before I have a working model. Function over Form!