What has and hasn't worked for you? Anyone else have great success and not be able to do...
I have been reading a book about how every program helps every one differently. We all know this, we live it, and we hear it on the boards every day. But she also said that even though one program worked for you once, doesn't mean it will work for you again. BINGO!!!! I beat myself over the head about this. Why things have worked for me in the past and now it doesn't work or I can't stick to it. Anyone else had this happen?
I would like to hear, and I'm sure others would too, exactly what works for everyone and what they can't go back too when it worked once before. I'm really curious to see if the majority of the people on this forum actually are doing the same thing with great success. It really seems like it. Do tell everyone! :)

Wow Jersey you have tried just about everything! Some of which I have never even heard of. I have tried the diet pills..lost some weight..and then stopped taking them because I began feeling weird and first thought was from the diet pills..and then I gained it back plus some just like others. And no I am just trying to just get myself to eat when I am actually truely hungry instead of just munching. And I am staying away from all the pop...and the junk food..don't even buy it and have it in the house so the temptation of wanting it isn't there!!
I've tried liquid fasts many times.. some successful, some not so successful. When I was younger I could drop 5 or 10 lbs by just eating boiled chicken legs.. lol. Hey, it worked. I went for a number of years with vigorous weight lifting and all I did was gain another 30 lbs. My most recent attempts, while wresting with the idea of WLS, have included low fat/low cal w/an hour of cardio a day, and Nutrisystem. I was unsuccessful with both. Now I do a modified Atkins with moderate exercise. I am getting to a plateau and will have to decide how to kick this back into gear. I'm attempting a meat and egg fast right now but I'm wrestling with the same 2 lbs up, 2 lbs down, up, down.. etc. I'm beginning to have my doubts about how far I can go with this weight loss, but I can see this is a way to eat for life to control diabetes without medications.
What didn't work for me:
WLS- would have met the criteria- but decided to spend the $ on the PS after and DIY
WW- was always too embarrassed to go as I felt like my huge wide load would just be motivation for everyone else, way too embarrassed to go for a weigh in.
Tried calorie counting... umm I am just too slack for that.
Asked about pills of various types but the cost was too high.
What worked for me:
Initially I went on a prepared meals program for 12 weeks, then I dropped to dinners only for about 3 more months. This worked as it taught me portions and I could focus on the exercise only while gradually adjusting my own cooking/menu plan to finally a 100% DIY food program. At this time I walked only. I lost the first 1/2 of my weight then 'stalled' for about six months.
Then to kickstart myself I started the CSIRO Total well being diet- that's how I lost the last of my weight- and I am still using my own variation of their menu program. For me dropping the carbs with dinner made the difference.
I operate well by knowing portions size and serves per day.
The basic menu daily is basically:
3 serves low fat dairy
2-3 serves fruit (one piece or approx if it's bits)
2 serves lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, pork, fish.... about the size of your palm)
2 serves carbohydrates (2 slices bread, 1 roll, 1/2 cup rice/pasta, sml bowl cereal) Usually brekky and lunch for carbs.
Veggies- 'free for all'- lettuce, cucumber, tomato, broc, snow peas, zucchini, mush, peppers
Veggies- restrain slightly but eat heaps- carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, eggplant
Veggies- include but in lesser amounts- corn, potato
Personally, I don't often eat things like cake, biscuits, choc- especially when I was trying to loose weight- now I have a little but not often. But I do drink coffee/tea and diet soft drinks- they're my vices.
What worked for me:
Routine times (might differ depending on day eg: each Monday I have a time worked out that will suit me and try and stick to that)
1 hour a day 7 days a week minimum.
Usually a brisk walk or exercise bike. If I can add an extra 1/2 an hour later the same day I will do it- especially if I have eaten something like cake
I am now just far enough post surgery that I am about to add a muscle program using a band.
Trying to get hubby/friends to motivate me to get moving (huh! waste of time!)
What didn't work for me:
Timing: Anything involving getting out of bed in the morning- I am a night owl
Gyms- Just not for me: detailed below as to why...
I resented the travel time, I resented having to be there a a set time for a class, I felt like a weirdo trying to do the classes with all those perfect girls, I hated using the change rooms, I hated the cost 'an arm and a leg".... oh, and I hated the fact that if you want personal input it costs an arm and 2 legs... oh yeah, I also hated the movies- they always seemed to be half way through some lame movie- so I had missed the start, or they'd have the TV on some stupid talk show which I would never watch at home, and everyone seemed to go there with a friend- and none of my friends were interested! In the end I'd be using my MP3 player alone on an exercise bike cause I'd turned up too late for the class I wanted to do... the staff would ignore me because I wasn't paying for a PT and I figured "I can do this at home with the travel!"
Karate- I love my karate but it has mainly helped my balance/agility rather than weightloss
Sitting about doing nothing- that's how I gained it all
Hope this helps your quest...
on 1/11/08 8:15 am - Rochester, NY