I called...
VSG on 03/13/12
VSG on 03/13/12
VSG on 03/13/12
VSG on 03/13/12
Ok I went to the Doc's. I was sitting in the waiting room and I was like trying to talk my heart down lol. I was like ok you will have good BP...I was like if you keep thinking about it it's going to freak you out and raise it calm yourself down geez! lol. Well finally I go in there and he asks me questions blah blah takes the BP and I wait for him to tell me he said well looks pewrfect in side I was jumping around lol. SO he then weighed me...and he's like wow that's really good! So he wrote me another script...he said just come in when you run out we'll keep checking you and if your BP stays fine and you aren't having any problems I will keep refilling you. I about died. Inside I was like oh how I love you Doctor! Then I went on my way to Uno's to meet the girls. And for some odd reason EVERY Thursday seriously EVERY Thursday I indulge in something. Like even if I do not go out. TOnight I was going to get the lettuce wraps....they were flippin out of the big lettuce leafs! I was WTF!? So I was like hmm I really dont want a salad (Odd I know it was like the same thing) So I hadn't had their pizza in a while and I was like WHat the hell so I got an individual deep dish...I ate half of it and ofcourse I log it into TDP HOLY MOLY Never do I want to eat that again! Holy Fat grams and crap. But before I even got to my parents house to get on to the computer I decided I would leave the other half of the pizza here at my parents for someone to eat because if I were to take it home I might eat it tonight before I go to bed and i really didnt want to do that! SO yea. I am gonna go home soon back to my apartment and probably pop in my TurboJam and do that and burn a few calories just to make me feel better! lol. Oh yea so now that I am done rambling on....have a nice night!!!
VSG on 03/13/12