This has nothing to do with Weight
VSG on 03/13/12
So last week sometime I was sitting here at my desk and was thinking gosh I wonder if they put any new Cosmetology schools in Michigan or are going to. Well low and behold they are one really close to me. A really well known one at that. So I ask for info on it. I just got off the phone with someone and OMG!!! They offer night classes part time! I about cried of joy. They open in April. I am going back to school! YES! And they offer Financial Aid which i will try for if not I will use my income tax money...I'm going back. I can't believe it. I should be finished by early 2009. I am so excited. I just had to type it all out and tell people. lol
VSG on 03/13/12
VSG on 03/13/12
VSG on 03/13/12
I am extremely excited. I believe I get to tour the new school before it opens. I am waiting on my school that I went to prior to send me my transcipts that lists my hours. So I can fax them over to the new one. Then I fill out Financial Aid. :) I will be working full time. School on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 5-9?..9:30? I am not sure but those days I will come into work earlier to get my 40 hours in. And on Saturdays school from 8:30am to 1pm I think. So yea I will always be busy. But I like being busy. I once had two jobs and went to Cosmetology school back in uhm 2005. It was rough. I didn't get much sleep and didn't have a day off for 28 days. I ended up quitting one of the jobs. But anyways...oh yea I was filling out my application for the school online and it asks for your shirt size. it only listed S-XL. I was like hmmm.....come May....Yea XL because I have some XL shirts at home I still wear. But i thought it was odd that it didn't go up any bigger. I imagine they have bigger sizes tho. But EEK I can't wait!