Geeze Louise!! What the heck is up with me??
ok, anyone else cry when the biggest loser is on tv? I, I see the teams doing their weigh ins...and the emotions I felt were over whelming. I mean I seriously was rooting them on!!! Id see the big numbers from them and the tears would just stream,mind you I was on my 4th bottle of water in 3 hrs,maybe I was just full and over flowin? LOL!!!
Im not sure why its affecting me the way it is..I mean...I just got so emotional!
is anyone else as sappy as I am?
what the heck?!
well YEAH, but i have never admitted out here in front of Gawd and everyone! LOL... I cry any time I hear a young child singing a song! I cry over commercials, fachry-eye! I am silly that way. BL reminds me of Richard Simmons (prolly beofre your time) - he was an ex-fatty exercise guy *****ally care and know the journey that we know!
I've heard it said and think it's true - that when we cry, we actually cry for ourselves, not the object/scenario that brought the tears!