I wish for 2008

Neecee O.
on 12/30/07 12:42 am - CA
that this will be my LAST year that losing weight is part of my resolution. Would that be freedom or what??? Yes, i said it first...the R word! As we have said, this kind of resolution should be year 'round, not a one shot January only type of thing! Man, I used to get so PO'ed at the Resolutioners at my gym...just in the freakin way for a whole month...you knew they would not last.  Looking back over 2007, I am proud of myself. I lost ~20#, in addition to the other 20 from 2006. At this rate, I expect that another 20 could well be ditched in '08. Let 2008 be my final year with this aspect.  In other areas of my life: financially:  pay off credit cards spiritually:  yoga most days, including prayer and meditation recreationally:  new bike!  Mine is 15 years old. At least do the 65 ride in April with DD. Vacation:  Bahamas or Dominican republic?  somewhere tropical and snorkel-worthy.  Doing aqua aerobics this March - two days a week.  How about you - all - look back, look ahead...what will it be.
Angela B.
on 12/30/07 12:47 am - Somerville, AL
My only resolution this year is to get off my a$$ and move!  I know this band would work so much better if I work it!

10/4/07 surgery 265, 11/7/07 1st fill  252, 12/27/07 2nd fill 243, 1/16/08 234, 2/27/08 3rd fill 230, 5/18/08 209, 6/12/08 home scale 200!!!!!!!!!!! 10/22/08 1 yr......184, 11/4/08.....170, Pouch dilation in April 10, complete unfill. Starting over! 7/29/10-175    

on 12/30/07 3:39 am - NY
hey Neecee, Happy New Year. And i had to laugh what you said about those gym going resolutioners.  I felt the same way, get the hell out of my way, please!!!  They say that by February 9 most of the resolutioners have fallen off of the resolution wagon.  Because of the surgery I put my membership on hold for 8 weeks.  That will put me right around the middle of February.  I don't have to get pissed off by those folks this year.  Whooooo hoooooooooo I haven't made a resolution in many many years.  I guess mine was a standing one "lose weight."  So I will just continue to do what I am doing.  There are many things that i want to improve upon in my life so I will make those my unprofessed resolutions. I have pretty much run the gamut on my plastic surgery, something that has taken  1 1/2 years, pretty much the amount of time that I have been stable at my weight.  So I am kicking it up a notch in that area, the weight, trying to figure out how to tweak my body and make it work to its potential. When I had my pre-op blood work, instead of things coming in all normal I was a bit off in some areas.  I don't know enough about bloodwork to figure out what it was.  one of the things was something to do with kidney function and it came in 7 points lower than the lowest point.  The others were off by maybe 1 point to the lower end.  So I'm a bit concerned as to what all this means.  My PCP is sending me to the lab again to try and figure it all out, so that is going to be my focus.  I also had a CT scan for one of my other surgeries and was told I had an enlarged spleen.  now, as a formerly SMO person I do know that our organs are sometimes larger than the average weight person because our body has to accomodate our weights.  But it bears looking into. So my focus is on getting healthier and more whole.  If the rest of the weight loss comes as a result, more power to me.  Donna

"Accountability first to yourself, then nobody else matters"

Neecee O.
on 12/30/07 8:21 am - CA
I sure hope that weird reading is only a fluke - may even be a false positive thing. I have liver enzyme stuff - elevated levels.  My PCP says it is not fatty liver, but it always lurks in the back of my mind.  You did not even mention your most recent ps, so I assume all is well!
on 12/30/07 8:48 am - NY

My PS went well.  I am healing a little more slowly than I thought I would.  For some reason I thought this BL/BA would be easier than my other two. In either case, I'm at day 10 and I rounded the corner sometime yesterday.  I am okay with the way they look although they aren't the prettiest they can be yet.  This is one where we have to wait a little longer to see the true results and how they will end up looking. You can take a look if you can stomach it. LOL www.picturetrail.com member name donnaamarie pw is plastics

"Accountability first to yourself, then nobody else matters"

Future Legend
on 12/30/07 4:39 am - SC

Oh wow... each year my resolutions lead to nothing more or short of feelings of inadequacy so I'm going to be very guarded this year. I'm shooting for better health so I can help others.   Financially.. mama mia... I've really messed things up since I closed my stores so I gues****ting a bankruptcy attorney would be in order.

Spiritually:  find a good Bible believing/teaching church.. preferably one with a praise band.  Become part of an outreach ministry. I'd like to find courage this coming year.. courage to do what my heart tells me to do instead of always doing what is "safe". There's nothing in my past I'd like to repeat.. so we'll just let that sleeping dog lay.

on 12/30/07 4:55 am

Oooh New Years resolutions.  I've actually been thinking about this.  I usually don't do any, I might consider it..but I never actually make any.  When I look at  a year from now I see my life changed quite a bit.  After I get better I need to get a job so that right there will change things quite a bit.  That will help with my weight loss,  and my financial debt we're in.

My main resolution is my families health.   I need to work on making sure my kids eat healthy.  My asthma has been out of control also, and my lungs hurt all the time.   I need to make this a priority as well.  Think it's time to see a specialist.

Fun wise, I would LOVE to go on vacation, but I know we can't afford it.  Think I'm going to surprise dh with four days in our favorite spot in Homer this summer for our anniversary.  

My "dream" resolution is getting thin enough to be able to get on a bike this summer, and also go white water rafting!!    I absolutely love the water.  This has been something I have wanted to do for so long.  A pound a week is not gonna cut this, so this is my motivational resolution.




Janine P.
on 12/30/07 8:09 am - Long Island, NY

Ahh... resolutions...  Those supped up promises I make to myself at the beginng of every year.  Then, when February comes, I decide resolutions are stupid and I jump ship...

This year:  Health - I'm going to do some serious focus on my weight.  My treadmill is going to get moved to my bedroom, so it'll be harder and harder to say no to moving.  Financially - I need to work off some credit card debt.  I'm not that deep into the waters, but I'm deeper than I want to be.  Vacation - I want to head some place warm and bathing suit worthy by the end of 2008.   That's it for me.  Hopefully, I can stay on ship.



Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 12/30/07 10:09 am, edited 12/30/07 10:12 am - Houston, TX

Neecee: Resolutions.......ha! Hopefully 2008 will be the year I am liberated from the weight loss grind too! Then we hop on the maintenance train. I think my BIGGEST resolution for 2008 will be to try to round myself out "socially". People tell me I have 2 different personalities.. In person I am very quiet and reserved... online I am pretty amiable. So I am going to try to get more face to face time with people. Wish me luck!

Health - Drop the rest of the weight & GET A DAMN TUMMY TUCK and some other PS done, STRENGTH TRAINING.. I need to be able to lift my own weight.

Financially - Nothing..401K, IRA, Rainy Day is already in place. No Credit Card Debt. Spiritually - Ida know there.. I think everyday is a day you grow spiritually.. you learn something new about yourself as well as others. I guess nothing actively.. yoga may be something I take up.  Recreationally - Tennis Lessons, Improving on my sight reading skills, and going to an amusement park and riding any ride without thinking "Am I too big?!?!" -Bud 

Eat to live, not live to eat!

on 12/30/07 11:31 am - Near Media, Pa- South of Philly, NJ
My goal is to hit a place where my weight is not the greater focus of my life.  To have a whole day at home and fill my time with something other than missing snacks. To read more, exercise more, worry less, and learn how to handle downtime. To better understand the science of metabolism and diet. To stop feeling like a nervous wreck that's been asked to sweep the corners in a round room. And to get to know Bud better...;)

 "Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert  Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--  
     Emergency Bowel Repair
6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U.  
 Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 
     Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09  -Dr. Pontell, Media PA  Mastopexy/Massive 
     Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty 
(plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
      6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10
 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500   Start wt: 368   RNY wt: 300  Goal wt: 150   Current wt: 148.2  BMI: 24.7

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