VSG on 03/13/12
VSG on 03/13/12
huh, cut out?!!? are you sure? go back where you got it done if you can and have them take it out for you. i know where i got mine they even prefer them doing it instead of you attempting too. if not, find a new place for your piercings! :) hmmm cut out eh, now i'm curious, you need to get that checked out. theres no way i would let anyone do anything to my nose if they had to cut something out! hell no!!! not my nose. :) let me know the outcome, lol now i'm really curious.

VSG on 03/13/12
I think I have the same kind as you do. The curvy dohicky one? I just got it done almost three months ago so I haven't taken it out yet. But I thought I heard my daughter say she almost got hers out the other day and she hasn't even had hers in as long as I have. I'll ask her when she gets home. Lol, you might just be a big baby!hehe Hmmm, lol think i'll call right now and end this discussion!ha I'll let you know in a few minutes.