Fell off the wagon
I've been lurking mostly the past few days. I'm feeling guilty and depressed. I went to Costco's several days ago and bought a big bulk package of cookies. Needless to say I've been munching on them every day, and that leads to more munching since I know I already blew it. I tend to go get a few every time I enter the kitchen. What no one sees me eat doesn't matter right? That's what my mind says anways, which leads to not tracking points, fast food, etc. I haven't even counted my points ever since I bought them.
Sometimes I really wonder if it's worth a battle. A battle that I've lost so many times before. I can't stop thinking about that the actual amount of people to successfully quit is so low. Am I one of those statistics, I'm starting to think not. I just can't stick with eating right. I'm starting to feel like it's a worthless cause. Not sure if it's depression kicking in (I go in bouts with it), or I'm just fed up. Just getting tired of not finding the "right way" for me. Lol, just realized I'm crying, but quietly since dh is right here. Tears are rolling from my face..yep, depressions probably kicking in.grrr
I'm rambling, this is just a note to self to see if it helps me any.

if only it were that simple... I havent had a cigarette in 9 years... but I still crave them. Just the discussion of them on here makes me want one... the difference is that I can make rules about not touching tobacco or related items... I cannot go without touching food. Now if I could just take a pill to meet all my nutritional needs I could probably not eat forever and be fine.
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08

Thanks everyone. Beth..those were harsh words (the saying), I 'm going to have to remember that one. I've never heard that one before. I pretty much fit that one myself.
I think I've came to the conclusion that for me it's all or nothing. There is no eating "one" small piece of candy after dinner, etc. I just can't do it, at least not now. I know from experience I won't even be able to do it after eight months or so. Then in my head while I eat these things I literally think "this might be the last time I can eat this", so I pig out. Which the funny part is deep down I know I'll probably eat it again. It's sort of like pigging out before your big day of beginning your new diet.
One person mentioned stress, and omg I got the stress piled on me atm. I'm sure that is a big part of it. Christmas is killing me, I'm financially burdened atm, just realized the past few days we're worse off than I realized, my sons health is still up in the air..cardiologist can't figure out what's wrong. Then he has some legal issues we're dealing with at age 18!ughh So otherwise it's just been a ****ty month. So I guess whatever happens happens with my weight this month. I just got to suck it up and realize it might not be a good month for me for weight loss. But I'm partially still tryin! :)