So tired....
VSG on 03/13/12
That's right I am extremely tired...and I know exactly why. Bad food!!! And well lack of sleep. And so thirsty....also from bad food. Tonight I am going out to dinner with my mother and her friends...since I had junk for lunch and feel crappy I am opting for either soup because its cheap or a salad. Even tho before I ate lunch I was going to get fish and chips...but now the thought of the grease is sickening me out. I can't wait until tomorrow.....I want to talk to the doctor. The results will be in tomorrow.....I know I don't have a thyroid problem....I have no problem losing weight when I try and i am not tired ALL the time I just don't have any symptoms leading to it. My blood pressure is perfecto. Blood sugar...not so sure about mother said it should be normal. I can see it now tho what will happen. I will get a month supply of pills....and a strict high protein diet.....I am just anxious I guess. I am ready to change.....and I am ready to fall asleep at my desk right now.
i am totally ready to fall asleep right now as well! its the monday afternoon blahs.
so i saw your diet pill posting last night but i've been out of town and off the board for awhile so i didn't respond. but since you wrote about it again....
i ordered phetermine off the internet. and it does absolutely nothing for me. i was totally pissed. granted, i suppose it could be fake sawdust or something but i don't think it is. it was another one of those late night desprate things that i even ordered it.
just a warning that it might not be all its cracked up to be (unfortunately). i hope you have a different exerience! and its still a good thing that you are working with a doc (even though it sounds like you know there is nothing new he's going to tell you that you don't already know).
VSG on 03/13/12
Yes it may be the Monday blahs lol. I wondered where you were..I figured you would post on my pill thingy.
Hopefully it does work for me. And i was also thinking if I dont get eh prescription....I can order it offline I was reading a different forum that people were saying where a good place is to get the pill from so. Regardless I am getting the damn thing lol. I am determined to try it. And if it doesn't help me and i have the same effects that you did well DAMN lol...nothing new. :) I just keep chuggin along :)
I know the feeling! I just feel so over tired the past few days. It started when I stayed up on Friday night- it was like 2 Sunday morn before I hit the bed (internet shopping- ALONE!) Then it just feels I cannot stay awake.
Right now I have 5 kids out on their nap cots as I sit in here trying to stay awake! It's HARD to do! I just want to curl up and fall asleep.
I also ate CRAP yesterday :( I ate about 5 "York" peppermint patty things- the smaller ones but still! It was JUNK I really should have left ALONE :( I've not been drinking my water either :(
Anyhow- I know when I drink my 8 cups of water I feel GOOD. So I am sucking it down today! Got a long way to go till I get the EIGHT down but I am working at it anyway!
I'm anxious to hear how your appointment goes tomorrow! Can you really buy the "real stuff" online? I didn't know that! I always thought those ads were just BS?
At any rate- get some sleep! Drink some water! And keep us posted :)
I've been on diet pills before (phentermine) and I remember having such a hard time sleeping at night. I was so wound up.
Keep in mind that it may take your body time to adjust to them. I remember wanting to "jump out of my skin" also. But with time all goes away and you should be normal (btw....what is normal?).
And when I got off of them, I wanted to eat a horse! Not trying to be pessimistic, but it's true. They work to curb your appetite, but you may have some side effects as I did.
Good luck to you! Let us know.
Probably the Monday blahs! I usually have a hard time falling asleep Sunday nights, have to take a tylenol pm, which can make me groggy. Last night = 5 hours sleep, which does not cut it for me!
I would say if you get a choice between capsules and pills, take the pills and cut them in half. a quarter pill did it for me for a long time. Like with all that kind of stuff, yep, it begins to take more and more - or they will not work.
I would NEVER order that kind of thing off the 'net - ever. If you're lucky they will be useless at best. Don't throw your money away - go to an actual doctor or don't do them.
And, again, cannot stress this enough, don't use them as a bandaid & simply "not eat" - that is not the point. Use them to get your palate adjusted to new healthful foods, learn to eat foods in amounts that work for you, etc.
VSG on 03/13/12
I don't plan on using it as a band aid...because I do want to eat lol. So I will still eat! Also, I know as soon as I go off of them I have to be so in control with myself like crazy. So that is what I am hoping for to gain control...I know you lose sleep..I am youing I can function on 3 hours of sleep to be honest....not nicely I'm kind of a ***** but i can function lol. I am wondering how it is going to go today...if they have my bloodwork in that is!