Gallbladder free and alive!
Much better anasthetic this time. Which has meant I have overdone it by going out shopping too often... but luckily pain is quick at letting you know when to slow down or stop.
Dr said I can't use my exercise bike for a MONTH!!!!!!! I nearly fell over at that prospect, and said "At this time of year? with all the Christmas goodies? Can't I even go walking?"
I was imagining the figure I've worked so hard for taking on a seasonally appropriate santa shape.
Thankfully he said I could walk '10km if you want'. Phew! But, with a tender tummy I think I'll start slowly. Very slowly....
Thanks Neece
I'm already strengthening my resolve in preparation for those temptation moments.
I agree, it certainly leaves an impression on you when you know how hard it is to get rid of it later. I keep reminding myself that little tastes are a normal part of enjoying the season... big tastes are a not!

I was scared of the anasthetic more than the surgery.
I told the anesthetist that I would put up with the pain and not to give me morphine under any cir****tance- they think that's what I may have reacted to last time.
My bellybutton is thankfully looking pretty much as it always had- I am sure the excess skin helped them strech it through! LOL!